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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Would be nice to be re-clarified. I'm having doubts myself whether I'm doing things right sometimes. I personally feel that nearly all rules should be linked when it comes to ban times so that someone doesn't come on the server and break multiple different rules and being banned for an hour multiple times and to avoid confusion amongst staff. I agree with this! If someone is micspamming it would make a lot more sense to do: Warn -> 30 mins mute -> 60 mins mute -> Day mute -> Week Mute -> Month Mute -> Perm mute Or something along the lines of that.
  2. Xeno Gamers Ban History You've been warned and muted a few times for similar things: Xeno Gamers There were no objections in admin chat so I just went through with it. The reason why I muted you first was because I didn't know if you had a ban history or not, so I decided to just go straight ahead and ban you unless other staff had any issues with it after I saw your ban history. I definitely warned you before and @TheSupremePatriot can definitely testify that too.
  3. -1 Couldn't have phrased it better.
  4. Realized I'm being a cunt so I'm going to try to turn a new leaf!
    1. Kypari


    2. realBelloWaldi


      a new leaf! yes! sounds great! spread the word #420! good to see have a more liberal thoughts on medical marijuana!!!
    3. Kypari


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  5. +1 Never had any issues personally. Regular on the servers
  6. @Vexx Xeno Gamers permed you I'm not going to vouch as of now but I'm going to put forward that Gustavo is a valued member of surf and I'm sure surf staff have had minimal issues with him. Good luck!
  7. Kypari

    Memory Lane

    I remember playing with multiple people on TF2 Jailbreak and every single round without fail @Vector would unmute himself and scream "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT" and everyone would just charge at the guards. Was funny as heck (y)
  8. He went off what admins said. 3 of them at least. Surely staff should be trusted enough or they wouldn't be staff in the first place? I banned him after asking a private discord server what they thought. Response was ban him. So I did.
  9. We've already been over how the rule doesn't matter. @Vexx @Sesh say so too.
  10. Because the system is really flawed and miscommunication leads to multiple warnings and kicks. You can join the server, break a rule, get warned and come back the next day and rinse and repeat.
  11. The most recent ban was a week. TF2 higherups are agreeing that a month was justified since he had already had a week ban. I get where you're coming from though.
  12. I'm pretty sure most TGH staff can back me up that he's toxic nearly every time he joins. @Vexx @Sesh @Elcark @BonfireCentipede @Vector @Natsu and more.
  13. So basically I did investigate it.
  14. I did? How did I not investigate it?
  15. The guy literally comes on just to insult people and it's not just poking. He's in trouble for a reason.
  16. I don't need to, Minecrack. It's procedure regardless of the rules they broken. Also there's no need for comments like that.
  17. @Bello
  18. He was kicked yesterday and has a major history of toxicity according to most TGH specific staff. Clearly shows no improvement so why should he be kicked so he can come back and do it again tomorrow?
  19. I warned him twice just to check if he was paying attention. He clearly wasn't so I just banned him. If someone hasn't changed in the last few years then the punishment system clearly needs to continue. They haven't reformed as a person so myself and the TF2 higheurps believe that the system should continue, regardless of how long ago the bans were.
  20. My current alias is Haze, forgot to mention that.
  21. I mean I'm surprised you didn't see this coming. You've been in a lot of trouble pretty recently with multiple staff members with toxicity. I'll do bullet points to follow up corresponding to your bullet points. Each staff is different in how they manage things. Some staff members are more lenient and some are far stricter. There's not much you can do about it really since it mainly comes down to upbringing and personality. [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA] You should have been paying attention to the chat as well. Unfortunately there's not many ways that staff members can warn you outside of chat so that you can see it easier. It was around 1am BST when I warned you so I can't tell you on mic, though chat is deemed enough by the higherups. The length of the ban is as long as it is because of your ban history and your history of toxicity. Xeno Gamers Most recent ban before the month was a week. You have been punished a lot recently, including warnings and kicks as informed by @Elcark Usually the procedure goes warn ->kick -> day ban -> week ban -> month ban -> perm. As you had already gone past the week ban stage, it's a month. I promise I try to be as unbiased as possible. Obviously I'm not perfect and no-one is, but in this situation I tried to be as unbiased as possible including asking other staff in a private discord if it was OK to ban you just in case. There was communication as included in the screenshots. [MEDIA=imgur]a/XxtVJ[/MEDIA] There was also a discussion with @Natsu and @Elcark at the time in the admin chat. As stated previously, word is that you've been in a lot of trouble with passive aggressive comments, warnings and kicks with multiple staff members. That's why I requested that to be the reason as well as the name. Chatlogs provided by @Vexx : Of course having an opinion isn't the problem here. If someone has criticism I will try to hear them out and see if there's any way I can improve if I agree that I'm lacking in a certain area. However, your comments are clearly to instigate with staff. Hopefully this ban has been cleared up to you.
  22. Pick your poison.
    1. YeEternalTuna
    2. virr


    3. realBelloWaldi


      ADC XDDDDDDDDDDD @[46:@Aegean] :DDDD only real GAMERS understand >))))
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  23. As staff members, it's our duty to stop people from disrespecting other people and make sure everyone has a good time to as far as a degree as possible. People getting offended would make them want to leave the servers. If you don't agree with it that's fine. I disagree with some rules myself, such as the old teleport-spawncamping rule. You just have to work with it though sadly.