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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I'd go straight for you bb<3<3<3
  2. I don't see why the map is on the rotation in the first place. If I'm new to xG I don't want to join a server and do a fix for something when I can just join a different server. Map shouldn't be on the rotation until it's fixed permanently to be honest.
  3. I'm from Healix's group mainly you doughnut :waving::waving::waving::waving::waving:
  4. We did kick him and warn him on multiple occasions. @ThunderLimes and myself kicked him for toxic behavior and names.
  5. -1 Huge troll and has a history of bans and trouble.
  6. #xGSafeSpace ??? Build of the month on minecraft sounds pretty neat. I have absolutely nothing to do on Minecraft now since I've done everything I want to so maybe I'll give it a go!
  7. OK my brother had to come back for work so I just cut the vacation short and went home with my brother so I'm back
  8. Going on vacation, will be gone for a week starting Monday :waving: Should still be checking on the forums with the terrible internet there @Vexx @Sesh @Bello @mrnutty12 @virr
  9. Heir 4 Smash Bros Melee Tournament was incredible. My god.
  10. Still here :waving:
  11. Sounds great! What about if they have been in trouble for donator abuse in the past? Are we starting the system again?
  12. You also did as well????????????????? Scroll up a bit and you'll see.
  13. Can we close this to prevent this guy spamming or something? @Sesh @Vexx @Bello @mrnutty12
  14. Doesn't mean you have to press down the mic button as far as I can tell. If you have verbal tourettes in the first place you shouldn't be using a microphone honestly. -1
  15. :waving::waving::waving:
  16. I mean I've encountered a whole bunch of problems in the past with this person. He micspams quite often and there were a few incidents where he was arguing with @BonfireCentipede and myself on the server. Should really wait out the rest of his ban in my opinion because of this. I don't dislike the guy at all but I do feel like he shouldn't be let off since he does cause issues.
  17. I can confirm that Skeletal was considering stepping down a month before stepping down. He decided against it at the time but was not 100%.
  18. -1 Breaks their own servers rules. I remember playing on surf_telstar with the ubercharge and crit orb and you exploited by using medic's ubercharge to get rid of it. Another issue I've had is when I used to spray things and then you would respray it somewhere else despite me clearly being confused at what was going on and wanting it to stop. I went into /stealth and caught you in the act using /adminspray, so I had to tell you to stop otherwise I was going to talk to higherups about it. Though you were fairly new at this point this really taints my opinion of you getting admin. I like you as a person, but I've had a few incidents in the past that so I just don't see it.
  19. +1 This guy, regardless of the few problems he's had in the past, was a really good staff member. As long as he sorts out his relationship with @YeEternalTuna then I'm 100% down for you coming back to staff.
  20. Kypari


    +1 Super friendly player and a good friend. Get back in here. :coffee:
  21. -1 It's Tatost for ADMIN, not mod. +1 Definitely should be given another shot and has experience as staff in the first place.
  22. :waving::waving::waving::waving: Au revoir! ...wait no