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Everything posted by WubbaLubbaDubDu

  1. I know there's a suggestion post thingy whatever but I am a rebel at heart. Ever since the plugin was changed in Deathrun (NO MORE GIBUS GHOST!?) The MOTD needs a little...refresher. Also, I'm basing it off of this thingy: TF2 Deathrun Rules "Do not use any weapon that is not your melee." - We can only use melee due to the plugin so this is kinda pointless.. "No Buddy-Buddy (not killing certain players because you're friends with them)" - Buddy-Buddy? This makes the MOTD a laughing stock. Try the word Favortism or maybe No Targeting? Some Suggestions: - I would like something done about pornographic or offensive signs. This doesn't cover it: "Keep all sprays appropriate. (No pronographic or offensive material.) - Easter Eggs, I have seen some staff members allow and some others not allow it. Please make up your mind (Hopefully you will allow because they are fun ..) ...Yeah that's about it. @Bello @Thunder @Tatost
  2. What's Beef?
    1. bagggel


      Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle. Humans have been eating beef since prehistoric times. Beef is a complete source of protein (meaning that it provides all 20 of the amino acids), and provides many of the essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that humans need.
  3. H E C K N O
  4. Lol, he thought I was in college. Good guy, mature, yet denied my proposal. Gonna have to uh... H E C K N O this. Jk +1 A: 9/10 M: 10/10
  5. :nosebleed: Going to start being active in xG Deathrun again because I spent too much time in pubs. Come join DR if you wanna hear me giggle! :D
  6. When you're on xG Forums at school
  7. Hachi marry me pls <3
  8. Winners should get unusuals *insert lenny* Name: Dub-Chan, Dubbo, Dub SteamID64: Steam Community :: Dubbo Class Roles: Medic.....Yeah that's about it. :emoji_disappointed_relieved:
  9. What happened to Tf2...
    1. Thorax_


      What about it?
    2. Caleb956


      I left, so it died. *lenny*. jk idk
  10. hoco is next week and yknow what I'll be doing? Sleeping.
  11. Don't trust the water friend..Chemicals hide in the skeletons..
  12. Weeabo Festival inbound time to give up my wallet up for sacrifice to the anime gods.
  13. DR is actually populated *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE*
  14. Nico Nico Ni-~ (Fucking obsessed with Love Live)
    1. Goblins


      Arqours is still Love Live :steamfacepalm:
    2. Egossi


      fuck y'all mugi beats rest xd
    3. WubbaLubbaDubDu
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  15. Pink hair..Henna tattoo processing..Throne of plastic swords... Renaissance fair...Seems 'bout right.
  16. Pink hair takes 8 hours.
    1. Egossi


      pink hair is pretty dope
  17. Parent's anniversary is today..
  18. I need pink stuff ._.
  19. Totally not here Really cool dude and very mature. Great guy to be in the xG community~! A:8 M:9 See you in Jailbreak!
  20. Level 69 in Casual...
    1. Tomahawk


      people still play casual/comp?
  21. +1 Although the map is cool and all it rekts my toaster. It kills the server in a milisecond. I'm down for getting this removed.