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Everything posted by Elcark

  1. So overall a good clarification for something that has clearly been confused over the last few weeks and a very much appreciated addition about minors (the issues and arguments this has caused have been far too numerous). I will be curious to see if hate symbols and derogatory content results in any clash about what does and doesn't fall into such categories, but for now am hopeful that this more clearly defined rule keeps more conflicts avoided.
  2. A better and more practical solution would be to change your spray after you know the one you have is unaccepted. This would completely eliminate the need to be concerned on your part. This is also not your first time offense, as you have been banned previously for an hour. Bans always work exponentially, from an hour, to a day on your second, and so on. I can't say much in regards to the other parts since I wasn't there, but looking through your chat history quickly I don't see much in terms of any actual spam, at least not rapidly, but your behavior seems rather vile very often. I'd like to hear the story from @Kypari , but for now I'm gonna leave with a -1 for unban also, ban and chat history for everyone- Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers
  3. I'll truly miss you, please don't get mugged :(
  4. +1 Friendly and a good boy on the server, what more could you ask for? He has put in a very notable amount of time over a short few weeks and keeps the server lively and enjoyable when around. A:8 M:9
  5. He originally wanted this thread deleted and the other to be kept, nothing largely important though. He merely wanted to change the statement about 2014 to 2013.
  6. This is bad and you should feel bad. Have fun patriot, don't let them oceans snag you away!
  7. Want To Get Unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
  8. Adding on to this, maybe something like a cross between hide in the dark from mineshaft and the ghost/pacman mini game from timetravel could work for this.
  9. +1 How are you not member yet again? Xampyy/cinnamon/whatever you may know her as is one of those people in the world that is just too nice to be real. She is polite and kind to everyone she meets, and actually tries to spread such ideals to people. Of course there were those times she'd just murder everyone once they trusted her, but that's a different story :p. Probably one of the last people i'd expect to cause any serious harm, or even minor harm intentionally, to anyone on the server. A:7 M:9
  10. QB3RR-0TAI8-H4KTL This actually looks interesting, many thanks
  11. +1 Has very gay sprays. Orc's always been a chill and laid back fellow. He's been around for awhile, popping into both deathrun and TGH at least from time to time. Certainly deserves to be part of the community A:8 M:9
  12. -1 totally forgot to add this when bringing up his chat history/advertising hacks. Not to mention you're attitude in this discussion makes it seem you are just struggling to pull excuses out of thin air assuming you're actually taking this seriously at all and aren't just trolling, which doesn't seem likely. So yeah, changing to a -1 for advertising hacks
  13. That's from the day you got banned. Regardless of if you were "dared" or not, you still did it. I'd say something about following friends off a cliff here but don't think it should really be necessary.
  14. Regrettably the screenshots don't show anything clearly. You could have very much pooked around the corner before he zoomed in and they were taken, or he could have just been looking at the wall by chance. As SUSPICIOUS as they look, they are anything but solid evidence
  15. Stop tagging me, I don't do forum stuff D:
  16. Player Chat History | Xeno Gamers It doesn't change that the evidence isn't sufficient, but looking at his lmaobox spam in chat i'm very inclined to believe he made such claims about turning on hacks as stated.
  17. The staff manual does indeed state that evidence can be either demos or "screenshots of malicious activity". The screenshots you have though, while appearing suspicious, don't really have enough to them to differentiate between it being legitimate or just a coincidence. Really screenshots would only be sufficient evidence if it was of chat activity or something else incredibly obvious. Gonna have to +1 for unban solely due to a lack of proper evidence.
  18. On the left side, Hub, then forum shop, and finally username. Otherwise, just this here link Forum Shop | Xeno Gamers Tipped doesn't cause problems and makes the server funner when he's around. All in all a good guy (y) A:8 M:8
  19. BUT BONE, you have to voice spy as skeletor :mad:
  20. I don't think the staff pool has ever been this bloated the entire time I've been here, and it's fantastic. Congrats to our new good staff and promotions
  21. I'm gonna start out by saying I won't claim to have any competence or knowledge about catching people who are hacking, and i'm gonna try to keep this short. gooby.dem Demo should be there, simply put the flicks at the beginning you did into friendly players off to the side that were in different locations, and especially the last three you did at the end of the demo, are the reason I jumped to banning you. To say it looked suspicious doesn't even begin to express how I felt about it, and your throw away account doesn't exactly make it look any better. I'll let everyone else take a look at it and determine if this was legitimate or not.
  22. Like @ThunderLimes stated, as far as I've been aware or concerned the ruling on sprays extends to ANY imagery on the servers. Sprays, objectors, flairs, and anything else possible would all fall under the same ruling, just like any rules about chat (such as politics) apply to both typed chat and voice.
  23. Bit something to add here that might be relevant. I had a similar situation when muting @Foxingkat on jailbreak a few days ago where on the very next round, his mute was no longer in place. At first I assumed he was avoiding his mute, but he had not left and returned to the server so I took a minute to think and got a hunch. I was able to confirm this hunch just now, where when players are muted and then unmuted at the start of the round, it overrides any mutes put on them without actually removing said mute. I tested this with both a mute and silence on a willing player, and had the exact same results. Now I have no idea if our friend here had happened to leave and return or done anything else to get around his silence, but if it were simply that 7 minutes had past, well enough for a new round to have started, then he may very well have done nothing. Simply put i'm in the belief that the server is what allowed him to get around his mute, not him. If this is the case, then i'm actually gonna +1 for an unban. If anyone can tell me i'm completely bat shit wrong, then never mind :derp:.
  24. +1 You had a bit of a bumpy road at the start, but have since shown nothing but respect to others. You've shown a growing understanding of the rules and try to express them to others as well. All in all a gud guy
  25. Finally got one I had some fun with and they didn't just run away right away, here you go @shwash