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Everything posted by Elcark

  1. +1 I haven't seen any issues with him before and he just tries to keep Deathrun fun. Here's to hoping to see you on the other servers as well :) A:7 M:9
  2. I personally wouldn't be too concerned about people who frequent the site suddenly learning this and attempting to exploit it themselves now as, well, that'd be incredibly stupid. I'm pretty sure most people here a smart enough to not go and exploit a map simply because they know how now. That being said, I wouldn't mind a more general consensus on this though. It's kinda obviously exploiting and thus shouldn't be allowed from what I see, but I've seen this actually called both ways by different staff before.
  3. +1 Pretty chill fellow and fun to play with. You may have a slightly negative history, but so long as you keep upholding yourself and avoid taking any mood swings that are in poor taste, I trust you'll be just fine. A:7 M:7
  4. +1 Like Moosty said, your contributions on the forums alone have reflected very kindly for you, between that and your attitude on the servers I'm surprised you didn't reapply sooner. Definitely will make a great member, and already kinda is in a sense :p A:8 M:9
  5. Pretty much exactly my point, though the amount of none staff individuals I'd consider trust worthy enough for this would be extremely minimal.
  6. Seems only reasonable to keep the middle man as staff then, making this more of an organized event then an every time thing. If that's the case, I'm all for it.
  7. I haven't seem something like this organized before, and though it does seem simple enough, in what way did you/do you plan on middle man the actually credits being bet, or was your intent more so to leave trust in the players to actually pay out to each other?
  8. Vector is my ideal safe-space :)
  9. It's always nice to see things clarified so finely. At the very least, thankfully this has at least seemed like only a rare problem in the past.
  10. Not much to say that hasn't already been said, it is indeed far from a great map for many reasons (Terrible platforming, annoying as hell falling mechanic, stupid easy sniping from spawn, and just in general ugly to look at) and I see the sole redeeming factoring in it being the link provided by Sesh proving that it is indeed related to gaming history. Regardless of that singular reason, I'm gonna have to +1 this idea as it's one of the few maps I find myself, and several others, leaving the server with whenever it is played
  11. While I do find this very useful for personal use, it doesn't help those who don't have staff in their friends list. Specifically newer people on the servers who aren't familiar with whom staff are or may be, or even how to find them. Now of course having the admin and mod titles helps with this issue, but not so much if the staff member is using their mic more so then text chat. This also makes things significantly easier for people to impersonate staff members through the mic as well. Perhaps, and I'll pulling this out of my rear end here, making it required for warnings to be issues through text chat before one can actually take action to a mute/kick/etc, to ensure that the staff title is seen by users.
  12. Yes to chuck_Norris, sonic_exe, sandmen, heavydile, bread spy, and goofy. All just because they sound interesting. Also yes to Bowser as more Nintendo characters are always welcome (and deffinlently not for kypari's sake) Can't say I know why any were removed/not re-added, but I see no reason to not put any back in unless they had serious game breaking problems or just made things unfun
  13. +1 I refuse to believe he is 13, but that's just me. Acts both mature and pleasant A: 7 M: 8
  14. +1 Friendly and enjoyable. Absolutely no issues here A:8 M:10
  15. Some exciting stuff to look forward to and a very useful clarification, all in all a wonderful update :)
  16. Congrats to everyone this time around! @virr @Sesh @Moosty
  17. +1 Steals my sign everytime
  18. I'll take it off ya' I suppose
  19. Elcark

    Good Boi

    I like it as is. In fact, I'm gonna steal it like that for my own devious purposes
  20. It always takes two people to start an argument, but it really only takes one to cease said argument. It is great to hear that you consciously want calm down and approach such matters better. Only time will tell how well this goes for you, but for now, you have my best wishes
  21. Elcark


  22. Elcark


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=qcOiJnWniWg;list=PLXJfDwtI8jVGy2q7JU-tMNT8ZXw8aZzk- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=rDBbaGCCIhk;list=PLXJfDwtI8jVGy2q7JU-tMNT8ZXw8aZzk- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=Ak1-qLbHHCM;list=PLXJfDwtI8jVGy2q7JU-tMNT8ZXw8aZzk- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GW6sLrK40k
  23. Nothing stopping you from warning people about such and informing them about rules even without being member. Kudos for wanting to help people out like that though
  24. :oops:+1
  25. Has a good sense of humor and just makes deathrun that much more enjoyable when he's on A:9 M:9