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Everything posted by james8470

  1. We did 2/4 Two-Cities missions tonight, but cut it to an end because it was getting late. This is totally my fault. I just randomly picked a time, and I should've consulted more people before taking reckless charge of this idea and scheduling a tour on such short notice. I talked @Krampus and @KingKermit who were touring with me, and we agreed on 5:00 PM (PCT) in order to finish the tours tomorrow, and a potential time for future Saturday tours. If anyone wants to join us for the last two missions on Sunday, don't hesitate to do so! :P
  2. I'd wear an xG T-shirt :D There's one idea. Maybe caps or bandanas as well?
  3. It has come to my attention that when I wrote this I wasn't very clear, sorry about the confusion! The tour starts at 8:00 PM (PCT) The tour ends at around 11:00 to 12:00 or whenever we finish That's four hours from the current time. I'll make a steam group announcement as well
  4. thanks for the info too bad I can't play it :/
  5. Week 1 Monday: Various park employees and volunteers giving brief lessons and presentations. We later took a drove around the park and took a little walk, just hung out for the rest of the first day. Tuesday: Eight hours of 1st-aid training. I'm certified and everything, but I sure don't fell that way :P Wednesday: Drove all the way across town from the far east (where the main park is) to the far west to a much smaller pocket of land the park owns and removed graffiti. Here's an exact replica of the graffiti, there were 5-6 of them around: BK Thursday: Drove all the way across town again, picked up trash alongside a strip of road adjacent to the park all day Today: Same as Thursday Meme of the week: One of our leaders/employers was going over the rules for camping, and at one point said "no booze or alcohol" we all laughed our asses off. Can't wait to get out of the heat and drive out to a cooler area for the whole week!
  6. Since nothing's been said about this in two days, I went ahead and made a steam group for us to coordinate future tours Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers MvM Club @KingKermit I intend to promote you to leader of it when you join, since this whole thing was your idea @EveryoneElse don't worry, I specifically stated the group as an "An unofficial Xeno Gamers club" I propose these times: Days: Saturday Time: 8:00 PM (PCT) - 11:00 - 12:00 PM → Everyone will be responsible for buying their own tour tickets, I recommend this site (Marketplace - Securely buy and sell TF2 items) [cheaper than Steam market, no trade hold] → The tours will probably all be advanced/expert since we get better loot and less tickets are required, maybe we'll rotate between the tours we do to keep things fresh? → We'll tour together by adding each other as friends so we can invite everyone together in one party. @KingKermit I've sent an invite to you → I'll keep the calendar of the Steam group updated when we add decide on new tours, and specifically outline the following on this thread: Date: Time: Tour: → The first group tour may only be @KingKermit and I, but that's OK. At least we'll be getting started :p The first tour: Date: Tomorrow, June 10th Time: 8:00 PM (PCT) - 11:00 PM - 12:00 PM (however long it takes) Tour: Two-Cities? Join the Steam group if your interested in coming, and say so in this thread as well. Buy tickets! If anyone has any suggestions on what else to do, let us know in the thread! (y) I wana kill some robots with ya'll!
  7. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that just because he has 5.5 hours and not 6 he should be disqualified or anything. I just wasn't sure if he meant he had been playing since three months ago or for the combined time of three months (which is crazy). I was told on my member app that the time played was supposed to be for in-game hours, and not the time since the first join date. Anyways, good luck @cook! (y) Sorry about all the clutter on your app! I've seen him in-game, he didn't say much and there was no issues with him. No +1 from me, though. Haven't known you long enough, sorry.
  8. He already applied and was accepted :P
  9. Don't think me harsh or anything, there's just some confusion and missing info I wanted to fill in: Steam ID is broken, here's his: STEAM_0:1:204782704 So you mean you've been playing since three months ago? You have only five hours in-game. Player Information | Xeno Gamers
  10. +1 Between adding uberupgrades and this, I think we'll be attracting a lot more players! Can't wait for the new gamemodes!
  11. I love doing tours I usually do one every weekend, so it shouldn't be hard for me to go on Mondays, except... I'll be gone every Monday of the summer. :( Do this on Saturday/Sunday and I can play, though. Others might find it easier to do then as well since many have the days off, if you can manage.
  12. Title of your thread should only be the full name of the game (If it's early access, add that beside the title with [ ] ) Example: The Forest [Early Access] Game Name: Platform: Time Spent: (A rough estimate is fine if the game doesn't track it) Do you recommend? Y/N What you rate the game: (1 to 10) Initial Thoughts: Pros: (At least 2 reasons) Cons: (At least 2 reasons) Final Thoughts: =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= So this is the format as-is for the review, and I'd love to see some expansion on the sections of this. I mean, there isn't a section which specifically asks to describe the game (both gameplay and storyline). If not new sections such as "Overview of Gameplay:" or "Brief description of Storyline:", then I'd at least like to see a sentence which says something like "Don't forget to describe the gameplay and storyline of the game!" If anyone has any other ideas for new "sections" for reviews in for formate, go ahead and post! P.S. Sorry about the delayed review of Metroid 2 @Aegean, I've had some issues getting it to work and I've been busy with my new job. I hope for it to be finished on Sunday.
  13. Spell these Pokemon names backwards: - Arbok - Ekans - Muk Hope to see you on the servers! Which ones do you play?
  14. Sorry I couldn't attend this one, had a lot of shit to do to prepare for tomorrow. :( I'll watch the next 4 (or 5?) eps and try for next week.
  15. Mii profile music? Good lord! stop posting addicting music! >:(
  16. Well, I guess it's more of a play on words actually. I'll keep you posted by making forum posts, get it? :p
  17. Hello friends! Well, some of you may already know this because of a profile update I did a few weeks ago, but I got myself a job, my first one actually. I'll be camping into a nearby national park for weeks at a time doing general maintenance work and ecological improvement work such as removal of invasive species. Now some of you may also know I live in the American Southwest where it's fucking hot in the summer. How will I survive? I'll be in the mountains, where it's between 10-20 degrees cooler. I'll also be going to a couple other national parks & forests for a few weeks about a 4-hour drive from here. It's going to be an exciting summer for me, most of which won't be spent on xG. However, we do come home for the weekends! So I can still check in occasionally, and even participate in most of Spoop's anime nights. However however, there'll be two ten-day trips in addition to the five-day trips, I'll keep you posted in this thread when they come up (pun not intended, but whatever lol). The job starts tomorrow, however I'll be home in the afternoons though that week. I just won't be online most of the day. The week after that, it's off into the wild! I'll tell you guys what I see, hopefully a Desert Tortoise or a Mountain Lion, I've never seen one of those in the wilderness. The job lasts 8 weeks. Bye!
  18. can anyone trade me a latrenger
    1. virr


      Fresh meme
    2. james8470


      Only the freshest, o spooky one.
  19. +1 for ban Begs for weapons and calls people racial slurs
  20. +1 I saw him my first day on xG, he sniped me in the face > : ( But seriously, this guy is SUPER active and is a really cool guy who just wants to chill and have a good time if you talk to him. He easily deserved to put that [xG] tag by his name, and I'm sure many of us thought he was already a member! A: 10! M: 9
  21. Not exactly a scammer, but whoever this so-called "shwoos" guy is I rekt him with my flower-power.