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Everything posted by james8470

  1. First off, I don't know of this idea is common knowledge or not, so I might just have "come up" with an idea which I somehow never caught wind of from someone else, and now ignorantly think I'm a genius or something. Anyways, I did some math and compared a few sites which can help you save money on ANY Steam game. So let's say I want to buy an expensive steam game for about 200$. Rather than pay 200$ outright, if I go to marketplace.tf, buy 200$ in keys, then sell those keys on the steam market, I'll generate a LOT more than 200$ I need for the game. This is because the marketplace.tf prices for keys are way lower than the steam market prices. How lower? Only 36-37 cents. However, keep in mind I'm getting an expensive game, so I save 36 cents for EACH key if I buy keys from marketplace.tf, then resell them on the steam market (I'll need to sell about 80 keys on steam market at $2.49 to make $200). So, how much money would I save on a 200$ game? Over 35$ is saved in this case (assuming you can sell them all at $2.49). That's 17.5% saved (probably closer to 20% depending on my estimates and if key prices improve, which I'll talk about later). Let's try a cheap game as well. You can either pay 6$ upfront, or buy 2 keys for 4.24 on marketplace.tf and a tour of duty ticket for 0.99, sell them for 6.09 on steam market, and save $0.77 (plus 6 cents left in wallet). That's ~12% saved! Now, something I want to point out before I list some pros and cons of this method is that the key price on marketplace.tf is super high right now. Normally, it's $2.05 or $2.10 at the MOST. So, this would mean you could probably save closer to $40+ on a $200 game. Pros: Saves up to ~18%-20% on expensive games. Saves up to ~%10- 12% on cheap games Cons Can take 1-2 hours to set up (you'll be on approving a bunch of market listings on your mobile authenticator) Uses up to 80 - 100 steam market listings (you're only allowed to list 200 items on steam market each year) No guarantee on exactly how much you'll save (key prices change often) You'll have to wait 2-3 days to sell all your keys on the market. Notes This could also work with other sites were you can exchange money for in-game items such as opskins.com If you have anything to add/point out mistake in my math, please do so! (y)
  2. That's a 6$ hat! It will probably go down to 3$ in just a few weeks though. Also I suggest dead of night. :P
  3. May I ask where you're going and what you'll be doing? :emoji_wink: :wut: wut :^)
  4. Eyyyy! Thanks for reviving my idea Spoopy! <3 Anyways, I'd be interested to join the anime party, of course, however I've just discovered I'll probably be gone most of the summer. :/ I could probably only do this until June 11th, then I'm gone literally every week of the summer until the end of July. However, I do have weekends off from work so I could binge to catch up with y'all if you're only doing one episode a night. I'll post more info about my upcoming inactivity later. Also, how are we going to do this? Is it like, we all watch one episode on the same night at our leisure? Or is there something else you had in mind?
  5. dammit your profile music is so damn catchy that when I come to here to see the latest ridiculous comment, I can't stop listening to it!
  6. banned for being the server mod who isn't even a member (as far as tags go)
  7. There was this idiot talking on his mic in the TGH server: "*makes clicking noises*" "I'm speaking African!" "*repeats himself*"
  8. Ah I see. Well, even if racism on the mic is disallowed, that doesn't mean it won't occur more because of this map (because it makes newer players to the server think it's acceptable to be racist or just insensitive in general on xG because of this map) However, since it's more of a parody of Trump memes, then it shouldn't encourage this kind of crap that much anyways. Thanks for letting me know
  9. Yeah, I actually tried this and it worked. Which would be why I rated Ky's post "useful" almost two weeks ago.
  10. My only concern is... will this promote political discussions/outright madness over voice-chat/racial slurs, especially among newer players?
  11. Hahaha! @Chrono you've found the original "A little game..." thread. Also banned for banning me awhile back. :sneaky: >:)
  12. R.I.P. shwoos, someone snatched all three without saying so.
  13. Well, times up. I'm closing this idea and asking for this thread to be locked, no one is interested. Oh well
  14. banned for being competitive
  15. So how this works is we all watch an anime at the same time, one episode every night, then we can talk about it on this thread. It's kinda like a book club, but for anime. We can extend this to other shows too, so long as they're good. How I'm thinking we decide what to watch together is by suggesting good ones to watch, then assembling them into a poll, and holding a vote. That might be too complicated for just one thread, so maybe I should just take suggestions then pick one I think we could all enjoy? I think it could be fun! But I don't want to go ahead and start this unless people are interested, so here's the plan: May 20th - May 22ed: Feedback taken, this idea either fails or moves forwards May 22ed - May 24th: If people are down, anime suggestions taken during this time May 24th - May 26th: Anime voting May 26th --> : We get watching! Preferably, the anime/show would be one most of the participants of this thread have never seen before, but have been meaning to watch. But if it isn't whatever, so long as no one spoils it! The only requirement for suggestions is that we're able to easily access the show on a website somewhere. And please, no bullshit anime/shows. Oh, and I did ask a staff member if this would be ok to post, and they said based on their personal experience, it should be fine, so let's do this! Tell me what you think!
  16. Banned for stealing a youtube clip for your siggy :sneaky: >:)
  17. I looked at your post history, he's been a member since 2012, and this is like his second or third time returning from inactivity. Welcome back, again! ;)
  18. Congratulations on being the one who's had the most negative ratings since 2013, this was truly above and beyond the call of duty! ;)
  19. +1 says she has experience managing a server, good time on the server, and I've know her to be friendly and mature. Good luck, you'd make a fine DL, so long as you can be passionate about the work. (y)
  20. Eyyyy, I've thought it over and I'd love to see you as mod on MC Patriot. +1 You have the right balance of authority and friendliness from the job, plus tons of mod experience on TF2. Most of all, I feel I can trust you. Good luck! (y)
  21. I just got my first job, baby! It's a good one, too! ;)
    1. virr


      what is it? :O
    2. james8470


      I'm so glad you asked, it's a job with the Youth Conservation Core, I get to go out in a national park and help maintain the ecosystem, trails, remove invasive plants, etc. It's physical labor, but I'm used to it and I enjoy doing shit on behalf of the nature. As far as pay goes, min. wage but what do you expect from a government job lel. At least it's 10$/hr. in my state. ;P
  22. Mmmm, good plugins. :D I've used them all on my server and they function beautifully. However, I can also attest to the idea that we're going to need at least a few hard-working config-writers for those plugins. Took me years working by myself to set up all of those to the point where I wanted them. Also try MythicMobs, great bosses can be created, but again a lot of config involved.
  23. Thanks for doing all this giveaways! Super kind of you. (y) I took Monster Puzzle because it's the only mac (don't even start a flame war pls :emoji_ok_hand:) compatible one that wasn't already taken :rip: