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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. As I have said before this power-up will not help populate the server at all as it is STILL way too op. Even with the smaller "homing" hitbox it can still bonk someone for a very long time because it can get stuck behind them as the walk and the second it goes in that "homing" hitbox it stays homing on that person so basically if that hale is walking and a ball gets thrown at him it will to the "ultra" stun or something like that which results in a 10-20 second stun. In this time you can take most of hales health down. You can throw about 5-20 balls in a round depending on how much people are on. If we want to populate this server it has to be without homing balls considering it has such a high price and new players are going to look at it and get discouraged very very easily. With most of us having about 20k points to buy the playpoints perks we will be the only ones that ever have it. On average 3 points drop for someone in a round so if they wanted to save up for homing balls they would have to play over 3000 rounds just to get this perk. tl;dr its an op perk that can ruin fun and make people leave the server
  2. +1 seen him around on the surf server and hes pretty nice A:7 M:8
  3. Where are my Nuclear Dawn promotions? I was thinking BOT Allan needed a promotion considering hes on all the time.
  4. why do you have such bad luck with internet providers
  5. how do i make up my mind when it isnt my choice
  6. To me its really whichever one has the doomsday course because thats fun at least to me
  7. +1 Dub doesnt play that much but still is mature and we do need DR staff after that last promo/demo. A:6 M:9
  8. every other week*
  9. But we know the 2 other cyberpunks and you also had a gamebanana link which provides like 10 screenshots. also DR isnt as big as TGH so just randomly adding maps to test wont hurt anything
  10. theres a dr map request btw and also @Bello test it for like a week or so and add those next 10 maps
  11. Why not just take the video and ban them for like 999999? +1 obvious hacks
  12. We need to vote for a type of government. I vote anarchy
  13. Just adding another part to this but Donakonda doesnt really understand situations like many others do. I have seen multiple situations where there was sarcasm with the intent to be very very rude but Dona just thought the person was being nice. Im sorry to say this but until you can actually understand people around you better its still going to be a -1 from me.
  14. +1 septik has gone from a pretty toxic individual to someone that I would say deserves mod. A BIG improvement in my books. A:9 M:9 Good Luck!
  15. +1 joylefehr is nic man u kno? joyle has been here for a while and deserves it A:9 M:9
  16. But its the community that can sway a higher-ups decision. Tatost has been a part of the community for a while and even though hes not a member anymore maybe his post could sway a higher-ups decision in the final matter. aka yes, it is kinda a community decision
  17. If im supposed to do a REAL one then Health: + Strength: + Magic: + Skill: ++ Speed: ++++++ Luck: ++++ Defense: +++ Resistance: ++ im that bitch that just runs around and does nothing
  18. When you say newest content to do mean reuploading skits from CS:S with EDM at the front and start and the second the video starts you say "SUBSCRIBE HIT THAT BELL AND SMASH FUCKING HULK SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON LIKE ITS YOUR GOD DAMN LAST HOPE IN LIFE" if its not im unsubbing
  19. TF2: Sniper Overwatch: Roadhog, Reinhardt, Lucio, and Ana Paladins: I dont play this shit but just sign me up for the most op one also who left out csgo CSGO: that one guy that rushes mid with a sawed-off
  20. -1 Im sorry dona but I dont really think you're qualified for mod. 1. You basically only did +1 is active and mature on member submissions to get your 50 2. You spout random shit that is pretty immature Maybe if you got help you would be good but on your own I dont think you should be.
  21. Spoopy was not involved with that. Please trust me when I say that He doesn't even know who the original manlyduck was and if you want I can get caribou to give me a list of everyone who knew. Me, tatost, and grape even asked him about it like a day after it went down and he said "What? Caribou is who?" If you dont believe me literally ask everyone else and him.
  22. Another problem is all of your settings for the ghost resets after every map change, say you dont wanna be ghost but you need to change it every single map change and if you wanna be in thirdperson you need to change it every single map change. If there is any way to somehow fix that it would be nice.
  23. Ok, self explanatory, we dont have as much bosses as we used to have which is kinda making ff2 less fun at least for me. So basically just give a download link to the boss you want and tag bello. @Hype Im pretty sure you requested some bosses so just repost them in this thread.