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Everything posted by Spoopy

  1. So there's still this issue with donakonda getting mod. People say his immature by what? Asking so many questions? This kid has dedication and one of the nicest people in Xg. Some people find his interaction and asking question to be annoying because that usual, but is that really immature? Does he go off being a butt and being rude to people? 3 months guy... of denying him. He's gotta have some kind of experience and know the backbones of servers. So here is my suggestion. Give him probational mod. He messes up, then he messes up. He does fine then he does fine. Give this kid a chance at least people.
  2. So ya apparently I got my internet back as soon as I moved, so rip the past good bye thread. And thanks Garry for being such a super nerd :D.
  3. Spoopy


    Not really a big deal as long as he gets what 8 hours in the server? I think he played 3 months ago coming in randomly in total 5 hours. But I think he needs 8 hours in our server to be a member but just to be sure... @Aegean
  4. This has always been a thing, in jb, dr, or even other mini games that we don't have powers over, but the best we can do is just say that you shouldn't ghost and hey should Inforce it. If they don't then, that's what's happens. Holly crap imagine 24 people in this server. Most likely not since it's going to be like tf2 ware. But then again that's what trickery and strategy is useful here. I can say that elcark (srry bud your the first person I though I could pick on) is the murder when actually I am. Then I can kill him and say he's hiding and such stuff like that. Of course when you get caught then you gotta change strats but going stealth is not impossible. As for "disadvantage" remember this is still in beta so the modders can balance some stats and stuff. Or we can do it (can we?) and adjust like we do in freak fortress (thx rejects, bello, and bone). If I spelt something wrong then I'm srry I type this whole thing on my phone and you know how that's turns out. (Still bored working here probably be more on forums than actual server D: meeting the minimum now is gunna be hard over the summer)
  5. ( not to much in surf server :( we miss you ) Vac .-. Surf isn't the only server we have. I see frust on Pokémon and deathrun too. I think he goes in tgh but I don't touch that server much :|
  6. Ez fix get hd cables and hook that shit to your tv (or monitor). Never had a problem after that for me.
  7. I hate boba drinks now. Fuck this new job making me burn my hand twice.
    1. S1mpleDuck


      I dont think I will ever like you. I love boba drinks
    2. Spoopy


      Drinking boba hell ya it's gud. Making them, hell naw.
    3. YeEternalTuna


      then dont suck at making them >:V
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. Muk -> Kum -> Purple Cum?! .-. Wut
  9. Ya boi egossi coming back? Hell yes to this. Amazing dm before. Kept up the most popular servers in the summer running smoothly, great at improving and helping out this community, funny, mature guy, and active guy and most of all he's got that mom's spaghetti fresh and ready to go. +1 #mom's spaghetti
  10. No. Just stop right there mister. That's my line and those line are for lolis only. But hey Frust applying for mod. Nice guy. Hacks while playing sniper. Active and idk what else to say. Good potential for mod? Idk. All the things were listed already .-. +1 A:9 M:9
  11. All four nations lived in harmony. The,n the fire nation attacked.
  12. Ya I'm finally leaving my parents and living on my own apartment woot! But with like 3 other guys *freck*. But ya start moving shit on June 9th and don't know when my internets gunna be back depending on one of my room m8 getting his shit together (he's a full time online employee so real soon hopefully :D) and calling the company to get their ass here to instal it faster than me chasing a lonely Loli in the street at night. (Forget I said that. it's late at night ok I was watching anime Eromanga sensei *want lewd Loki sister anime there ya go*) but ya wish me on me leaving my nest finally.
  13. I need medical attention if I can crack my dick like cracking nuckles.
    1. S1mpleDuck


      ummmm...... uhhhh.....
    2. Egossi


      most cetainly, or if that doesnt work try getting psychiatric attention
  14. Yo waddap its ya boi spoopy and ya Asian boi (not Chinese u butts @WubbaLubbaDubDub ) here to introduce a new idea for a server. Murder! Now if u have known what mafia, town of Salem, or trouble in terrorist town is then, murder is pretty much the same thing. If not here's how the game. You got your friends and you in a fight for your life situation. You got one cop with a gun that instant kills, but reloads slow, a murder with a knife that makes u allow to "run" and swing people with a knife that instant kills, and civilians who are just there to survive. Simple really, but the best part in this game is all the lies and backstabs and trust put to the test and people running around in panic. Goodie stuff. [TF2] Murder (version 0.5.1 Beta) - AlliedModders Here the mod link files which explains what the server needs. Just a suggestion since summer is coming up. Some problems are like this is highly recommended with mics, randoms might not be able to know the regulars (if there is any), but it's a good way to know members in the clan ( in some shady ways ). Remember this is just a though. Not saying like PUT THIS SERVER. FUCK THE OTHER SERVER I WANT THIS ONE. Like a imiture kid (*cough* looking at you tatost :D and me D: ) This just got me interested since Friday the 13 is getting popular and @Egossi brought up town of Salem (which is fun af. if u have time go get it) Maybe we can replace tf2 ware with this since both are mini games and tf2 ware seems empty. (Even though tf2 ware is fun Rip tf2 ware) Here's a video on action (don't judge who I watch man it was in my recommendations >->) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyHJMXtzSvg
  15. No idea why u keep telling me to put my face when I already did.
  16. Alright http://lets.rabb.it/886j/7fWdnYwsID this gunna be rough because rabbit blocked like all of my anime sites, but i still got crunchy roll. Sucks how its still being a bitch, but heres the link guys
  17. Trying to work on it give me some time
  18. The last I went camping was on spring break in my man cave. Wut fun, but this... this too much. Gl my friend. Make sure to tell the bears I said I'm sorry for what happened last time!
  19. There ya nerd. I did it so you stop stalking my Facebook. @WubbaLubbaDubDub I ain't Chinese u butt.
  20. NEW TIME FOR THE ANIME JUNE 4th 5PM PST ANIME: Cowboy Bebop (SUB) WATCHING EPISODES 6 - 10 (Probably more from people rebelling for more) ANYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US (Btw @bagel you missed doggo's epic episode of how he got in the crew)
  21. YA BUDDY ITZ YA BOI SPOOPS HERE k so June 4th 5pm PST?
  22. Itz ya boi pops here to tell another stury. +1 nice guy that doesn't break any rules when im around, learn other rules (like spawn camping and such that are unique in our servers), and tell gud stories if ya want. A:9 M:9
  23. At your finest big boi here. Just a prank bro. It selfie Sunday I can put anyone with their permission :D