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Everything posted by Spoopy

  1. Spoopy


    You have no idea do you...
  2. The brighter it is, the more blind for snipers to hit your head.
  3. Like I said DL. I see more in Caleb then just a mod :D
  4. I dont' see any problems in Tf2 as a staff for caleb. I think he would be fine for Minecraft DL with his ideas and time in his hand.
  5. so amy your going to be a tf2 staff and a DL for minecraft? Is that possible? For two different games? @Vexx @virr @Bello
  6. I feel like maybe we can have the stun stay if we can still have the stun but not at a max stun rate (standing still and not being able to move). If that is possible i think that should be fine due to cooldown and still being effective. Other than that i don't know if we can have it.
  7. Even though this was the only way to annoy elcark, ya this needs to be removed.
  8. Not gunna lie, I actually didn't see me up there until blank showed me kek. Gz to all promos and wish me luck. :D #notgettingabusednow @Thunder @Elcark @Parasect @Floppy @LemonVolt @Vargas
  9. +1 seem to be fine when i see him on. No trouble or bull shet. A: 8 M:9
  10. When I saw carrots and nsfw I was thinking of inside joke from a discord server I go on usually. (Not Vargas' or tatost) if u want a glips or what I mean. I post (or other lewd boys and grils) young fresh peeled carrots (=/w\=)
  11. Ya it did well shet. As for the games... I'm not sure because I'm not an expert in Minecraft and in these meta games (back then was hunger games), so I'm gunna let the experts decide. Also like I said get people then you can pick the games then. I was a moderator in a survival plug-in server so that's all I have experience in. Not in those wombo combo modded mini game warping extravaganza servers.
  12. All these are nice, but if u don't get any player in the server, then no outsider will draw attention to a zero people playing on a server. Servers are meant to play with other people as hence Multi-Player. If Xg can get a decent amount of regular at least 4-10 then I think then you should add mini games and such. No point of playing hunger games (or other mini games) with just 1 or 2 people.
  13. +1 talks very lewd to me in Japanese in dr. Other than that she nice person with a terrible faith of getting wip by tatost for not making dinner. #teendivorce
  14. Another one... the surf family says that he is a long dedicated regular and seems to not break any rules or cause problems. +1
  15. Don't go on surf much; but when he was on, he seemed to be doing find and didn't break any rules. Had friends there so let him join the family. :D +1
  16. +1 nyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaassssssssss Nice guy. Helps me populate some server sometimes. Has the dedication in servers and in forms.
  17. Neutral due to his dedication to the server to be big, but his maturity and lack of knowledge.
  18. Man this sounds like the minecraft server i used to work for too. I remember the name... Lazytown : owned by a drunk scottish man (like rejects but always drunk when he got on). Well if your server is dieing and you want people in it, then you want some crazy minecwaft youtuber to come in and advertise you server (never gunna happen) or just keep having people in the servers so people who check out this server on online websites can see there are people in. The problem is the people staying in. Like all tf2 server no random will join if there aren't people in the server so you need some regulars in there. As long as you have those regulars in Minecraft then you should slowly get populated by people (random 12 year old that wanna troll and raid mostly). Other than that, put a portal to creative so i can do some pixel art. I wouldn't mind doing pixel art in that server to keep it alive at least and bait some kids into the server.
  19. Just because I'm active on the server doesn't means i should get mod. There's more too it. If that was the case then Xg wouldn't have good mods/admins then.
  20. What do you mean I was in the situation?
  21. Amy, Nit, and me are regulars at dr at we applied for mod so put it back soon :D
  22. Wow not @me and not saying hi to me and playing ff2 with me. Sad +1 Bring the gang back together.
  23. Bring An Offical Discord Server I tried and this literally explains everything @virr close this
  24. I played with u remember u sucked :D
  25. Now i wanna play a rpg with everyone since we all sounds pretty strong, op, or stupid :D