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Posts posted by lilbleed

  1. 8 hours ago, Chrono said:

    +1 Zeus. if you die to it you deserve it.


    -1 auto, -1 negev. while I agree that 10 mans have gotten significantly lower quality as the norm, I don't think that we should just unban every gun and take away from the actual competitive aspect of the game both of those are literally meme weapons even in regular csgo mm. we still try to balance the teams relatively around skill, and there are at least 2 or more good players in each 10 man that if the less skilled players asked they would be more than happy to help coach them from their teams.

    ESEA, CEVO, FACEIT, or any 3rd party competitive client all do not have these guns unbanned. If you're looking at it from a competitive aspect, there is none in xenogamers considering half the time we're pulling up strat roulette. 
    *Checks every other server* *no guns disabled*
    *checks xg scrim server* *endgame spoiler* 

  2. 6 hours ago, Genocide said:

    People will use and abuse the negev and it's spray + corners

    abusing a gun that's already a part of the game, might as well ban nutty from using a sawed-off..same concept.
    Also this doesnt really apply to you since you get carried every game.


    Steam Community: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. yikes

    yikes this is from a year ago and YOU STILL BE GETTING LESS THAN 10 kills 

  3. Hi, 
    I would like to propose that we enable negev and zeus on the scrim server Whenever I see someone ask Lithium he just says no, sorry but its true, and yet many of the people deciding that they're disabled don't even play scrims anymore.  I don't the problem is, they are a part of the game + we already have kids running around rubber banding jumping corners with UMPs in every 10man, + people who use scummy bugs such as pixel walks and .hp abusing (and still lose @Shox). 

    no flame but if you  abuse bugs/rq games/ and/or is a tf2 player who sits in the csgo chat and posts their opinion about csgo but has sub 100 hours, dont respond.  

    @Rabid @Lithium @LeToucan @BleedsBrother @MinerTeddy


  4. I like to compare myself to my fellow peer J Cole, I feel as if I'm not a newfag anymore or an old faggot, therefore I don't belong in either generation, such as in J Cole's song "Middle Child". 

    I also was almost was denied because I massed in tf2 in 2013-14 under the name "gay bacon stripz" because I'm a young baller and hate furries. 
    thanks @Bonk for the +1

    #jcole #jcolemusic #middlechild #bonkisgay #allfurriesshouldburn

  5. yeah why the fuck was rabid muted, u guys let me get away with 3 10 man @ s + my point was if you're going to be a complete infant when someone @10mans then maybe take off the tag? Also don't see why random tf2 members completely irrelevant to the topic have to join in, as they do not know the full history behind what happens; instead of just supporting an old tf2 member 
    I do admit to instigating the argument but you guys are *snowflake emoji* (s). 


    speaking of @Kypari joining in the discussion on discord here is the last of your minecraft base. as tyler 1 says "lata bishhh"



  6.   On 2/4/2019 at 8:37 PM, Bonk said:

    Also, try to keep the thread on topic. If you want to have a personal discussion please do it in DMs.

    @Icaybaby @lilbleed


    "Probably best to move this sort of discussion to a private setting. Not really the place for this sort of stuff."  @Topaz



    I guess reporting a higher up staff for representing xG in a very negative way/harrasing, flaming the people around him constantly, and ban evading should be talked about under a private topic(and not the thread about harassing), here is my private topic . I already talked to @virr @LeToucan btw. 

    I'll just repost all my stuff here so It can get the attention it needs. 

    p.s. I wouldn't be wasting my time with this if I was wrong (i just copied and pasted my original comment here) 

    As someone who was bullied out of the community LITERALLY (@rabid @any cs member who isnt relatively new), I think I'm allowed to "give my 2 cents"

    As many of you may know I'm pretty toxic in 10mans so I shouldn't be talking, but it's usually towards players who are genuinely assholes (does not make the case better I know). I'm not going to say any names or anything but uhh....wait nevermind lol, can someone please tell me why our DM of minecraft has been up for discussion to be banned from 10mans? @icy or whatever that kids tag is on here. I'm sorry for starting shit but this kid is the most disrespectful person in xG I have ever met. I get upset in 10mans over stupid shit just because I am a "more experienced player" and I totally understand that a lot of the players I play with are new, but icy will straight up just scream at new players who don't even know what they did wrong in the first place. I don't know where the "superiority" comes from in his brain because he's an average player but he thinks he's the best. I have talked to MULTIPLE higher ups about this and some are confused on why he's dm in the first place. 
    The most positive response I got was "no one else would do it". 

    Example -  Last time u played a scrim with us or atleast me was 2 days ago and you were toxic during the game and ended up rage quitting in the end. 

    @Topaz @Rabid@Pepper @Aegean @Dannypicacho @Bonk @Genocide / any other players please don't hesitate to put your opinion.
    @Icaybaby expecting a response 



  7. 47 minutes ago, Icaybaby said:


    Can you respond with a recent example of your claim in which I can counter claim and explain a few things: my point of view, and an explanation as to my decisions

    you can sit there calling me out but I cannot simply respond without a backbone being set

    Besides every time you're on the scrim server, I'd say 2 days ago, which is the last time I saw you play, after you rage quit from the mirage game. Also someone should ask icy if he's ever ban evaded.  ?

  8. As someone who was bullied out of the community LITERALLY (@rabid @any cs member who isnt relatively new), I think I'm allowed to "give my 2 cents"

    As many of you may know I'm pretty toxic in 10mans so I shouldn't be talking, but it's usually towards players who are genuinely assholes (does not make the case better I know). I'm not going to say any names or anything but uhh....wait nevermind lol, can someone please tell me why our DM of minecraft has been up for discussion to be banned from 10mans? @icy or whatever that kids tag is on here. I'm sorry for starting shit but this kid is the most disrespectful person in xG I have ever met. I get upset in 10mans over stupid shit just because I am a "more experienced player" and I totally understand that a lot of the players I play with are new, but icy will straight up just scream at new players who don't even know what they did wrong in the first place. I don't know where the "superiority" comes from in his brain because he's an average player but he thinks he's the best. I have talked to MULTIPLE higher ups about this and some are confused on why he's dm in the first place. 

    The most positive response I got was "no one else would do it". 


    @Icaybaby expecting a response