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Everything posted by Tatost

  1. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Tatost Identity: STEAM_0:1:54599372 Position: Moderator Time Active: About a year after getting unbanned Age: 14 Experience: I was a Moderator until the ManlyDuck drama. Donated: No Information: I'm kinda tired of being on servers and then someone starts breaking the rules, making a call admin and having no staff come on until I manually ask a staff member to join. I was previously a staff member here on xG not too long ago. I had been trying to do my job to the best of my ability with thing such as school and other things going on in my life. I've been waiting for staff to start moving on to all the servers instead of playing a select few as Pokemon is rarely ever staffed. This sort of problem makes things really chaotic, yet the problem hasn't really been seen to. The staff that I see come on Pokemon from time to time would be @Spoopy @Elcark @Thunder @Kypari and @TheSupremePatriot, and possibly a few more that I forgot to name. My previous problems with a certain user (part of the reason I was demoted) was settled. We're both cool with each other now. I don't really know if people still hold a grudge against me for the situation, and if some of you do, please try and talk it out with me in PM. Gonna tag a few friends and other people here- @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @bagel @grap_grop @Thunder @ThunderLimes @Kyuubey @shwash @Frusty @XHina_sanX @Rejects @BonfireCentipede @Atamo
  2. Tatost

    Memory Lane

    I remember when I proposed to @WubbaLubbaDubDub and had a wedding on Jailbreak.
  3. Skill Surf would be fun. I'd also like to see a Rocket Jump server as well as Smash Bros.
  4. gonna stay neutral, he's nice and semi-mature around the servers, but then there are those times when he ceases to exist. He keeps have random inactivity spikes from time to time. I just don't know if I want someone at a higher position if he's not going to be there for the job.
  5. Tatost

    Memory Lane

    I remember when my voice sounded like I was a boiling tea kettle. I also remember when @Hibiki removed "Best Girl" title from the shop so I couldn't have it.
  6. I've beaten him 20:12 in a soldier MGE on his map
  7. you mean the fly bandito engineers? +1 not a dumb head on the servers A:8 M:7.5
  8. +1 chill dude on the MC server, not an idiot. A: 7 M:8
  9. Christmas break
  10. Name: tatost Steam64 ID: 76561198069464473 Classes: Soldier, Scout, Spy, Demo, Medic.
  11. Just to make this less confusing, it's not going to have the map directly downloaded into the mod. You will have to explore the areas around the map to get information. Once you have traveled on said map, that data will be stored for when you come back on the server. You're right on it going to make things easier, but it will still not be so easy that everything is done for you.
  12. With minimap mods, you would have to explore the area to get it on your map unless the map detail would be downloaded into the mod. This would make finding towns and woodland mansions literally the easiest thing ever if it was just given to you.
  13. Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
  14. Honestly I agree with Supreme on this, most of his bans and mutes are invalid, the ban that was actually valid was about two years ago. Given the fact that it has been a long time since he's had a valid punishment, we should refresh him on the rules instead of just going right out and banning him. +1 for a warning
  15. @grap_grop, supreme leader of bridgetown.
  16. wait hold on, does this mean I'm free from your sex dungeon?
  17. Tatost


    -1 everything I would have said has already been said.
  18. We will not be using the previous list, sorry if that confused you. Everyone who wants to participate and has already applied must reapply here, we will not be rem That's what I was planning, as this started super late in the summer. Yet the next holiday break for most people would be Thanksgiving, that gives me enough time to work on this event and make it a great experience for all of those who wanted to play. I'll make a poll asking if people would like to have it start in November with Thanksgiving, or have it start in December with Christmas and such. Thanks for posting this as an idea, too many people are withdrawing because of upcoming school. It's my bad that this started super late, probably should have started this earlier lol. For those who are withdrawing because of school please take this into mind, if you would like to stick with your application because of this, just say so. :]
  19. We will not be using the previous list, sorry if that confused you. Everyone who wants to participate and has already applied must reapply here, we will not be taking applications from the older thread.
  20. Last time we had this event in the works it was a mess, we were setting up some sort of stream with casters and everything it was gonna be good. Then we got hit by mid-term exams and then everything went downhill from there. This time I'll try and make sure we can get this done instead of procrastinate the entire time. For those who do not know what Highlander is, it is a competitive TF2 format where there is one player for every class, this means that there will be nine players per team. Common game modes would be Payload, KOTH, and CP. How to sign up: First you must be a member of our clan, not a member? Apply here! Once you are a member, reply to the thread with your name, your Steam64 ID (click text box and put steam profile url in there and get the right ID) , and the classes you would like to try and sign up for. When you post your application, you may make no changes to your classes. For those who might get confused, your Steam64ID would looks something like this: 76561198069464473 The winning team will receive two prizes per player, this will include 10,000 credits + a hip new badge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template for signups: Name: Steam64 ID: Classes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We'll be using a UGC whitelist + config and our maps will include be below. You can manually download the maps here. You'll use Discord(!!!!!) for communication, as we have multiple channels for this exact purpose. if you haven't already joined discord, click here! Remember, this event is for fun, please don't get too carried away with the competitive setup. Tag some members, invite them to sign up!
  21. This will lead to players losing towns due to upkeep. Unless you're making the start money like, $1000 more than the price to make a town there are gonna be a large amount of new towns getting removed after a few days of it being created, resulting in the players pretty much wasting their money. Just making sure you don't overlook that part.
  22. -1 pretty much bunch every -1 post and that would be what I would have said
  23. :( my e-girlfriend is gone for a while
  24. -1 already said above :thinking: A:8 M:4
  25. If Amy had tried examining the situation instead of ignoring and when finally getting around to the problem and throwing in the towel, this could have been avoided. Just don't take this out of context, I'm not saying that scrutinizing Amy was a good choice by the others, but the situation would have been avoided if she had tried to do the job to the best of her abilities. For right now I'm gonna remain neutral, there isn't much evidence that can really get her demoted, but I'm almost sure there is some potential evidence coming in the future. Stay tuned!