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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. A few years ago I was apart of this communty who went by Third Circuit or TC for short. It was a nice toxic community where everybody would gamble on the same Minecraft map, but I liked it and enjoyed my time there. Made a lot of friends for the 2 years I was there, and actually would never have met my boy @CoMit if I never stuck around there. But yeah while I was in that clan, I found the FF2 server and had a shit load of fun playing there. Then my computer broke (yes I know im bad with computers). And in that time, TC shut down because it ran out of money and the community was dying. I finally read the chat message on the FF2 server that said that I could see other servers and so I looked at them and TGH stood out to me the most because it was playing Cocktown and im super nostalgic from MM. But then I found a GMod community called Catalyst Gaming. I played with them for about a month before shutting down and in that time, I got Junior Mod (which is basically probationary mod) and all the way up to Junior Admin (which is like a probationary admin). I had a lot of fun in there and was sad to see it go, but they actually started up again under a new name. Now moving on to me going back to TF2. While in Catalyst I would play on TGH and Poketrade sometimes, but not a whole lot. I decided to make it official and spend all of my TF2 time here and am super glad I did. I think my boi @Parasect was my first friend I made here, before he got mod. And that ends the story on how I got here. Also I just noticed that yesterday was my forums birthday lol. 1 year lmao.
  2. Damn Dethman its been fun dude. Really hope I see you on in the future. You is a pretty good guy. Hope you find enjoyment somewhere else.
  3. See you on June 9th! Where are you going on vacation?
  4. Knew that was a bad idea. Didn't think I would eat so much shit for that lol.
  5. Holy shit it shouldn't take this long on a ban protest. Look I get that the screenshots dont prove as much as a demo but 11 PAGES? I just seems its taking longer than it should.
  6. Im just going to make a sound pack where the sounds are me exaggerating them.
  7. -1 for unban. There is no reason to be staring at that wall. Pretty clear Shining knows where Capalot is.
  8. Damn. Well ok. Worth a shot. Was looking forward to it. Well I hope the rest of this community sound pack works out. I might make my own when I get my PC fixed. Speaking of, this coming weekend we are taking my PC to Best Buy/Geek Squad and maybe they can fix it, then you guys can hear and play with my dumbass again.
  9. I could email you? Also if I did, would I have to do the voice lines as separate files?
  10. Hey can I do spy? I would need help though becuase I can record audio on my phone with my headset, but not sure how or where to post it.
  11. TBOHB

    New unban challenge

    I like this idea I also have a copy of the book on the MC server. Good read.
  12. TBOHB

    Xg Merchandise

    I like it but I don't think I would want the thing on the back that adverts the forums. You never know who could see it and could harm the community. We only let people on here that play on our servers for the most part except for higher ups. But I do like the shirt on the front.
  13. Grats to @Krampus @Tekage and @Matteomax and big grats to @Thunder for breaking prob mod lmao. Grats to other promotions! Big RIP to demos tho. Gettin flashbacks to that one. Ya know that one? Lol
  14. Because nobody plays on this division anymore and nobody owns the game.
  15. TBOHB

    No son

    Did yall think you could mess with my family's ding dong Dooping Beans? Well my family's Dooping Beans have been in my family for generations and generations. It started when my great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick. They had just arrived in Port Dingaling that had a fascination with Dooping Beans. These beans were the greatest of the land that no other bean could match. My great great grandpappy Porter, his wife Patricia, and her brother Patrick decided to start a Dooping Bean farm by Dooping their ding dong normal beans to make their dooping beans and they said "My my these are some fine ass Dooping Beans. Best in the land actually!" Now son you think you can mess with their ding dong Dooping Bean recipe? Well I'll tell you what kid ya got another thing coming. No sir-e you can't get out of this without punishment son. These fricking Dooping Beans are the best in the land and can't be tampered with I'll tell you that.
  16. I thought mine were pretty dank
  17. TBOHB


    Yeah I actually dont know who he is.
  18. TBOHB


    Nonononononononono ignore him we are great people! Please enjoy your stay!
  19. TBOHB


    Hey Charles im Sepdick! Welcome to our mediocre community! (Jk its pretty lit here enjoy your stay my dude)
  20. Hero of Time: {dodgerblue} Hero of the Sea: {azure} Hero of Twilght (This one could be any one of the reds with black). {darkred} {orangered} {collectors} Sorry couldn't get the hex codes for these but go into that more colours list that has been wonderfully provided be @virr EDIT: The Hero of xG is great how it is so thats why it isnt included.
  21. Oh ok. Thanks. Ill do some revisions on the colour.