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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. Yes you may
  2. Yay more donator powers I can't use rught now lol.
  3. Sorry lad but I don't remember you, but hello! I am doing great thanks for asking!(y)
  4. Oh nice! Glad you got it back my guy. Thankfully it wasn't that hard to get back.
  5. Dang man. So sorry bout that. My account was hacked about 2 years ago and it did something similar to yours. It changed me name, unfriended a lot of my friends I had for the longest time, and it was awful. It basically turned my account into a bot temporarily until steam support did something. I really hope you can sort this out man.
  6. aww hell yeah man. My mom and her boyfriend want to live in the country when Im out of high school and I just don't get it. I could never stand livng alone and miles away from someone else.
  7. I didn't give you permission to use my meme You too didn't ask
  8. Wait nutty you here too?
  9. Waitwaitwait you going to Chicago? Welcome to Illinois nerd! I actually live about an hour from Chicago. If I had a car I would meet up with you but I don't want to bother the fam to drive me out there. While you are here, eat at Dick's Last Resort. They got good food there. I know that Chicago gets shit for people always getting shot but actually enjoy it there. I'm sure you'll love it. Also don't get shot.
  10. Maybe I should never fucking post in the ban protests/ban requests ever.
    1. TBOHB


      And everytime I post something at all I either get ignored or look like a fucking idiot. Like this status I'm writing on my almost non-functioning iPhone
    2. realBelloWaldi


      well just post if you have something constructive to say
    3. yesstergi


      you hecked up man
  11. Hey remember when we were going to not make this a shitstorm? Me too.
  12. Imma keep it neutral for now because while the lolicon shit is awful (and I don't care what you say it is porn and there should be no exceptions of any kind) there is no demo of him hacking or as @Vexx said no link to the accounts because of IP's, I feel a one month ban would be appropriate for now or until there is for sure evidence of him hacking. Now allow me to say what I believe about this lolicon shit. If you actually watch and wank yer cock to it, you are a disgusting human being, but the whole lolicon tag thing (I'm pretty sure was a joke in the first place) shouldn't be removed. It exists for the pure joke of "haha I watch child anime pornography" and thats fine. But me as a person believes that loli porn is infact child pornography. If she is given the age under 18 no matter what shape or form and in any sexual position is still child porn. Now I know that some people disagree with me and that is fine. You are entitled to your own opinion as I am entitled to my own. If you want to yell at me please PM me. I and many others don't want this thread to become a shitstorm.
  13. PC Situation almost solved so I should be back on TF2 hopefully before August starts.
    1. TBOHB


      What repair money lol
    2. YeEternalTuna


      your computer is messed up right? im guessing you're repairing if somethings broken or what ever(?)
    3. TBOHB


      Ok so I was playing Minecraft with a bunch of xG peeps and I stretched my legs and ripped out my VGA plug for my monitor. I have a graphics card with an HDMI and 2 DVI plugs and none of them work. So I looked at it and came to the conclusion that the graphics is unpowered and I need a very certain cable for the power to run to it and so my dad's friend is taking care of it for me.
    4. Show next comments  87 more
  14. -1 Sorry bud. It would make the game WAY too easy and you could blow through it quickly. Wouldn't be very fair for the other people that can't bhop or the death because he would be too slow for the traps.
  15. Hey man it was just a meme:(
  16. Have fun in OC! See you on the 9th!
  17. TBOHB


    Yeah I actually do enjoy a cherry coke here and there. Not terrible.
  18. TBOHB


    My stomach hurts when I drink Dr. Pepper so, I'd say Pepsi is better.
  19. -1 lol you admitted to hacking which is NEVER allowed on here no matter what form it is.
  20. Thought I looked good in this one. Might delete later.