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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. Ok this was a little too far on my end and I apologize, but you get the point I'm trying to make here.
  2. Well like @Caleb956 said you are trying to make a profit off of donations and complain when you don't get what you want. I know I act childish sometimes but that is ridiculous and selfish.
  3. And allow me to demonstrate what you sound like right now. "MOM I DONT WANT A SWITCH! ALL MY FRIENDS GOT THE XBOX ONE X! I HATE YOU!"
  4. You are missing the point here. You are complaining about not making a profit off a donation bot. You are honestly sounding like an asshole. People gave these items to be gifted and you are calling them "dogshit" and "worthless"
  5. Ahh one of the best and one of my top favorite games of all time. I can honestly say that I agree with everything you said. Nice job on the review dude. With my 300+ hours I still have a blast with it.
  6. ? Look its not about it being crap. People who DONATE want it to MEAN SOMETHING and not someone to get it and act like an 8 year old for getting a playstation where they wantedthe country of Kenya
  7. Yeah I think to appease to the rest of the crowed who don't want the item given to them for free, there maybe could be an option to take credits. If there is a thread where people don't want free shit from donations is pretty sad, but it'll be better to have an option for credits in the long run.
  8. Not to sound like a super asshole here but if people want to donate stuff thats awesome. It shouldn't matter on the value of the item. Someone wanted to give it to the bot to give to someone else. While giving crates is not cool just be happy with you get. Like I said it isn't on the value of the item, its the thought that counts. You are really the only person that is pissed the bot exists.
  9. Congrats @YeEternalTuna! Nice job on SOTM! :D
  10. How about we have certain items you can or cannot donate? Like you cannot give crates to the bot to giveaway. Thats just really dumb. Also if I may add that this bot just came out and there might be some bugs that need to be fixed.
  11. Sorry bb. Also its member app but I'll respect that. My bad
  12. TBOHB

    Bots and Giveaways

    Threw one in there earlier. Said i have to wait 2 days lol
  13. TBOHB

    Bots and Giveaways

    This is awesome! I really like the idea of a bot that gives stuff away automatically. Though I think most of the time I'll do my giveaways myself. But I do hope a lot of people use this bot.
  14. I shouldnt say much. Should be ever. But hes cool on forums and inputs where he can
  15. Now I know I haven't seen you on the servers much but I've seen you on the forums a bunch. You in my eyes have the personality to take up a staff position, but I haven't seen you active in a whole lot of threads, just the really big ones. I do see you in the shoutbox a bunch and you are pretty chill there. +1 for mod.
  16. Yeah at this point im going to -1 for removal. Its not pornography really. It is just a little sketch the map maker put in and we shouldn't have to replace it because 2 or 3 people get super fricking offended by it. And as @Bello said, if someone doesn't like it then oh well we can't help them.
  17. Congrats @Krampus and @Matteomax for full mod! Welcome to new members as well. RIP mah boi @Moosty. Glad to have you as staff. Hope to see you back on staff in the future.
  18. No im saying it goes against pg-13 but the map maker meant for it to be art and there really isn't a problem with art. But when I can I try to enforce rules. It's the least I can do, especially now.
  19. +1 For me. Known this guy for a while and he's a pretty chill guy and always enforces the rules on surf. Good luck with the app!
  20. Imma stay neutral on this. It is meant to be seen as art, but it does break rules of being PG - 13. Im not too sure about. I saw some people saying just replace the brush. That shouldn't be too hard to do.
  21. YOU DIDNT ASK PERMISSION TO USE MY MEME SIR. Hey have a nice vacation my guy. See you on the 9th
  22. Fantastic. Nice to have this stuff cleared up for everyone. Thanks @Bello