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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. Name:Septik Steam ID: 76561198128683103 Classes: Pyro, Medic, Scout, Spy, Engifar from the point probably I know my pc broke, but I should have it soon™ like this week or next week. If someone could PM me a time this is happening I will do all I can to get in on this. EDIT: Also school starts for me August 17 so if we could get a healthy time frame for this where there is small chance for problems that would be awesome.
  2. TBOHB

    Doggo Tuesday

    Best wishes out to your doggo my man :( My family has had so many dogs die early becausse of some failure in their system. Hate to see it happen to another family.
  3. Dude this is actually quality music. When I get my computer back I might listen to this. Great job! A lot better than I could ever do!
  4. Oh well best wishes to whatever happened. Hope you feel better :3
  5. +1 shoulda called for an adam. Would've probably permmed em. But yeah definatly a troll.
  6. I do love to play TF2ware sometimes with friends so as long as it stays, I could care less what we change General Trade to.
  7. So if I may chime in for a hot second @Jacklyn I totally respect your opinion on the word and have every right to argue to rule against it, but you gotta understand. There are people that get offended by it. It is most likely someone who is black is going to be offended, "Hard R" or not. The word itself, no matter what iteration of it has been used as a derogatory term for ages much like "Faggot", "Chink", and "Zipperhead". Now like I said before, I respect your opinion and have the right to an opinion, but the reality of it is, no matter how many years, however many times the word is used "Hard R" or not, it will always be offencive on some level to somebody and you will never know who it is.
  8. I love b3. Like I said before we dont really need 2 versions of the same map. Kind of not needed really.
  9. Honestly we can remove either the day or night, I don't really care, as long as we keep b3 we are fine. b3 has some small differences compared to the others so there is a tiny bit of variety. The day and night (and I swear there was an evening one as well but I could be very wrong) are the exact same so I don't think it would make too much of a difference if we removed say the night version and not the day version and vice versa.
  10. Yeah a lot of things in china are banned. Either they have or are working on unbanning video games I.E. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. They have their own brands and companies located directly in China to make them. Their thing is (do NOT quote me on this) that they don't allow other countries to make goods for them, they HAVE to be located in China. (Again please don't quote me on this. Not %100 accurate)
  11. Fucking band kamp again.
    1. Egossi


      why would you fuck it twice?
  12. Almost forgot. See you on June 9th
  13. +1 yeh. Would like to see you back as staff tbh.
  14. Hab viel Spass mein bruder
  15. Computer should be here Thursday.
  16. You look like a very uncomfortable girl taking graduation pictures.
  17. Hi welcome to xG, our special is salt with a side of shrimp scampi. But for real tho welcome my guy :)
  18. I will also add that my intentions aren't to come out as an immature fucktard. I sometimes let myself loose when debating about stuff like this. I antaganized you I know, and am sorry for that too.
  19. Well I guess now would be a time to apologize to @Kypari and say that I too try to go hard during debates and looking back now I did go a little far and immature in my posts.m, and am sorry. Its just the way you worded it you sounded like a greedy bitch but now you seem pretty chill now. So now I apologize for sounding like an ass. In regards to the bot, my final thoughts are that we should: Have an option to opt out of of giveaways Reduce the size of announcement to maybe !msay or !tsay etc. Have a minimum amount of value you can add to the bot I think this is it. Once again @Kypari sorry for sounding like an ass to you.
  20. Another thing you could do if you don't want the item you can put it back into the bot and maybe someone else would want it. There are multiple ways to solve your problem and you aren't accepting any of them.
  21. Thnx bb