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Everything posted by james8470

  1. That's akin to erotica ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°)
  2. Yeah, you can in fact post on staff app threads (obviously, since Tatost just did), but you can't post at all on member apps. It's weird, you'd think staff apps would be more important (or rather, more meaningful to the future of xG) than member apps, although it does make sense that members should decide which new members we should add. Why not staff as well? IDK :emoji_slight_frown:
  3. +1 Amy easily has what it takes in terms of experience. As far a friendliness goes, we haven't had many encounters together in-game, but from what I've seen of her on the forums she's been super friendly and knowledgeable. I'm impressed with how well written this application is, too.
  4. +1 I've known Sora for awhile now, we've been good friends and he's constantly online TGH. He's been on xG for a long time, and I think he'd make a great mod. He's got the right balance of authority and friendliness for the job in my opinion. GL Sora (y)
  5. What the fuck? I'm stunned, this is a whopping amount of demotions. "Unfit, Outrageous Conduct, Abuse" good lord, and some of these people I've known as seemingly trustworthy from my 1st day on xG. Really, this is just shameful. (n) Looking on the bright side, though, @Elcark & @sick41057 have been very friendly with me and I'm glad to see them as mods now! (y)
  6. +1 Seen her on a few times, always is nice & respectful A: 8 M: 8
  7. No worries, mate, cool your jets! :eek: I know you've been questioned abruptly, but I didn't call it a clan, I said 'so called multiclanning' in reference to what virr said. Regardless of if it's a clan or not, I want to know what types of multiple affiliations you can have... and I was asking Aegean to further clarify what this means since their is a clear contradiction between his and virr's statements.
  8. Hmm, I might wait a little longer to apply since you've only been on for three days. Try a week or two maybe? So would he need to declare xG as his primary affiliation or anything? Or is so called multiclanning perfectly ok after all?
  9. Really good point there, I know staff like not having to put tags in their name, but since some staff change their names frequently like Vector it's hard to tell if there's any online. You could always ask, but of course newer players (or even experienced players who simply don't think to ask) like Elcark & Moosty pointed out might jump right to calladmin. So yeah, I'd have to agree banning for /calladmin when staff are online (even when no ill intent) is pretty outdated rule, particularly for this reason.
  10. Thanks for reporting it, but... Wouldn't it have been better to PM staff with this? I mean, now we all know how to do it even if many knew how to before anyways.
  11. To answer why I didn't apply sooner... Well, this actually is my second time applying. When I was told you needed to be a member to have tags in your name, I tried applying ASAP, but I didn't get any ratings. I wasn't well known on the servers then, nor did I have a mic that wasn't busted up. Then, the application changes were going on, so I waited another 2-3 weeks. Part of the reason I waited so long is because I wanted to make sure that I'd be a worthy member of xG by the time I reapplied, regardless of the new application system. Thanks for all the friendly comments so far btw ;)
  12. Ayyyy so apparently members can't comment on other member apps, but non-members can on staff apps. :eek: +1 because I've observed we're a little understaffed right now, and I think we have a good candidate here. I hope we can count on you to be proactive!
  13. In-Game Name: [xG:Rep] james8470 | trade.tf Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Identity: STEAM_0:0:69107625 Banned: Yes Teamspeak Account Synced: Yes Time Active on Servers: /rank ~84 hours, since late 2016 (Nov/Dec) Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I first joined xG TGH looking to make some trades, but quickly fell in love with it felt homely in such a tight-knit server and play both TGH and the Pokemon trade server almost every afternoon. First off, I want to explain the time I was banned like three of four months ago. It was my fault, basically I didn't know that tag rule and put [xG] in my name without being a member. I should've read the guides and rules on the forums before doing this, and Thunder was very kind to me and reversed the ban. You're welcome to check my post history or whatever and look into the ban yourself, point is as a member of xG I promise to respect the rules I am now acquainted with. The reasons I want become a member is because I really would like a TF2 community to call home, and I have come to appreciate xG as a really chill place to hang out. Also, I'm getting kind of annoyed that I can't vote on polls or comment/vouch for those applying to be members.:dead: x.x I also enjoy contributing to xG, even if it's little things that design project I attempted and Patriot finished for me. If there's anything else you'd like to know, please don't hesitate to ask. (y)
  14. Oh Sh**********t I hope your back heals soon! Try eating ginger, drinking aloe verde juice (buy from store). Maybe Turmeric, too if I remember correctly. They should all help relieve inflammation, reduce pain, plus give your immune system a boost.
  15. I got some new classy profile music
  16. Oh cool! I love events like this! Probably need some dedicated and trustworthy staff to organize them, though? I mean, what was the suggestion, exactly? Simply try to organize more of these events or incorporate an automatic system which allows betting/gambling of credits?
  17. Yeah, have you met Vector? x)
  18. I'm going to remain neutral on whether or not to keep it. Only played on it twice, once today and once like 2 months ago, and haven't had any particular annoying experiences on it yet, although I see the potential for the map to become rage-quit material (platforms, snipers like me :sneaky: >:)). IDC if it's "abstract". But really, we have other maps which are just as if not more annoying. Some are even glitched or just busted up. For example, 3D land shows a bunch of annoying shadows everywhere for me, plus a few others I've heard of the mic. I think it's just me, but I can't join the server when cyberpunk is up. We could profit from a few staff who would be willing to take on the extra work of adding/removing/updating maps, which others have correctly pointed out we've become lazy on.
  19. Oooo! Patriot got in trouble (͡• ͜໒ ͡• ) Jokes aside, glad to see a badges guide coming out, would help clear up a bunch of things. I know every staff member is glad to be allowed to remove tags from their name if they want. Yeah, some of the other servers really need help. Hopefully the community can pitch in some work if possible? Might make the process go faster.
  20. *EDIT On second thought, I think I'll wait until I'm good enough for iron even. Just had my ass handed to me for a few days in tf2center and I don't feel confident to try this
  21. Wait wut ._. Also, I have a forum suggestion. We REALLY need an "off-topic" forum in the creative section,because, say, someone wants to ask "who likes to cook?" and share some of their favorite recipe websites, and others can then share their recipes as well. Forums like this help to build community & friendships, and beyond just video games* Yeah, I know about the forums in creative section, and that's great! But what about all the other arts and hobbies in the world? It'd be weird to post something off-topic on one of the creative section forums, and also weird to post in the general forum as well.
  22. Wow Thunder, for a second there I'd actually thought you edited his post from "21" to "19" before I checked page 3. I was prepared to jokingly call you a centralist tyrant! ;) but I did anyway >; )