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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. You need 50 posts to open up a moderator application for TF2, did you talk to a dm/dl and ask if it's okay despite you only having 30? I'm not gonna close the thread I'll let the TF2 higherups decide
  2. advertise xG when you win first place!
  3. I'll answer this right now. Modded servers are hard to host off of NFO because in NFO you can't launch .batch files which you need for pretty much every FTB pack as far as I know. So for the mean time, modded servers that need to get their batch file launched instead of a .jar file will not be in discussion unless we figure out a solution for NFO.
  4. Be sure to enter the raffle! You can donate to xG 5 dollars and get the donator tag permanently! Way more giveaways incoming this sumnmer!!
  5. I'll most likely set up applications in the staff submission area specifically for minecraft, and I'll let people apply there officially :) Thank you all for the current feedback, I'm reading them all and happy to read more!
  6. I understand the testament behind telling him to put more depth into his forum posts, and that he shouldn't "spam" just to make a staff application, but you should still write if you think he'd be a good candidate to be a mod. How detailed he articulates himself on the forums does not contribute to how he acts on the servers, and if you think he would be a good mod. We can always let the application run for an extra month or so if we feel like he would be a good mod but just needs to work on his activity on the forums. On top of that, he is from 2014 so clearly he wants to show interest in being staff when there might not have been any for him in the past. Just my opinion, at the end of the day it is the TF2 higherups who make the decision.
  7. Never played Paladins and the other 2 I stopped playing for quite a while but Tf2: Huntsmen/Lucksmen and then demoman Overwatch: Hanzo, Mercy, Junkrat
  8. Yayy for early news updates!!!
  9. https://xenogamers.com/threads/41676/#post-294660 May update!
  10. Hello Xeno Gamers! You ever heard of that PUBG game? What's New This Month? New Raffle! We understand how popular PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has become, and we want to give back to the people who have supported us! We are giving away 1 copy of PUBG in our raffle that you can enter if you're a sponsor or donator of Xeno Gamers! Sponsors get 20 entries, donators get 5, and the draw is at the end of May! PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Battlegrounds! | Xeno Gamers Profiles now are much quieter if they have custom music playing. We reduced it to 0.2 from the initial default (which is 1 I believe). We have also added covers for your profile, default and custom. Defaults currently are just different colors (which is also free), and custom (that you can purchase for 2500 credits) lets you upload your own banner, the dimensions currently are about 1370px x 210px but will be changed to be something more standard and bigger. They can also be gifs! (Fyi, you only need to purchase once and can change it as many times as you want!) Badges have been updated. New badges are the [GiftR] badge that you can get by providing a raffle prize that we use, or by gifting the raffle prize to another xG member if you win it from the raffle.We also have a hump badge for 5000 credits. Shoutout to Cyanide and Happiness. Refer to this guide Badges if you want to know what is available. If you have any suggestions, please post here Badges Megathread!. Minecraft is going to be worked on, but we need your help! Tell us what you would like on this thread! Minecraft, What Next? Mod Applications are now open to members who are 14 years or older! We are reducing the age from 16 to 14 due to an overwhelming response from the community and the higher ups agree that 14 should be the starting age. What's Coming Up Soon? More Events! Have an idea for our next event in xG? Let us know and if your event gets selected we will gift you 5000 credits if it's a successful night! Youtube! Xeno Gamers Subscribe to us now if you want to be the first person to watch our newest content coming soon tm
  11. As you guys know, minecraft is quite dead with no one to look after it. We have plenty of resources on it, but as Pepper stepped down, and Supermaddud not available, we need people to help run it! Before we find people though, we must know what does the community want in terms of minecraft? Do you want a minigames server, a towny server as it already is but just have active staff on it, what are your thoughts? Everyone is welcome to comment, and if you are interested in running the division send me a private message via forums :)
  12. Brand new raffle! Donators + Sponsors only :D https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=33
  13. Not enough interest in the league darkstar gamemode tournament, going to make another event soon instead!
  14. @TheSupremePatriot Rhododendron recently has said we can add a rating but you guys must have the name, image and whether it is positive, negative or neutral. And of course the community must like it
  15. You have been declined from becoming a member, I would highly suggest you get unbanned first before making a new member application, if not you need at least 3 higherups to approve your membership. ~Closed
  16. Hey @yellowrock, I gave you the Content Creator title to commemorate your map, hope you enjoy your stay in our community :)
  17. Sign up for the next xG event! https://xenogamers.com/threads/41637/
  18. Remember, we are paying for teamspeak, so to seperate our community into 2 different voice channels doesn't make sense to us. That being said, we know a ton of people use discord, and if they want to participate in xG events, they must get on teamspeak if it's a populated event (i.e. game nights) but we have 0 issues with other people using their own discords or being in their friends discords even if they spend all their time on xG. Forums are connected automatically with teamspeak, meaning many features you have on teamspeak are due to Rhododendron coding it himself (Staff tags, donator tags, sponsor tags etc). This integration with forums to discord simply does not exist. Discord has no reliability. If we shut down teamspeak and have a discord server, and discord suddenly shuts down our server or is shut down in general, who do we complain too? We don't pay them a service, they owe us nothing and can take as much time as they want to bring the servers back up. Our teamspeak server has guarantees and as long as we pay them, we know we will have a teamspeak server. To use teamspeak is also free, and it is not like people are going to go to great lengths to download it. Discord is MUCH harder to moderate, as text and links to a public area stays there even if other users are offline. Who would we have as staff on discord when almost every higherup uses teamspeak? -1 once again.
  19. Gotchya, I think it would still need to be a case by case basis, but there's no harm in having something in place for the extreme cases.
  20. I hope you only mean really derogatory or racist slurs, not just fuck or shit or something. If someone has an item renamed something minorly offensive but can't use it on our servers due to the name or description, it could just lead them to leave, and make it annoying for staff to enforce. I'm neutral on the topic but if it is accepted I don't want it to be so safe-spacey in terms of any slur is unaccepted.
  21. I see what you mean, I guess it made more sense in the past because there was a vouch requirement for memberships which is why we didn't want non-members to vouch for it, but we didn't mind non-members vouching for staff because it was based on other factors and the vouches for mod-apps was strictly for feedback. I still think non-members shouldn't give input on a member app, but it's something we can discuss as a community in the appropriate place. Regardless, best of luck NitNat on your mod app :)
  22. Aegean


    We will not expand to another game at this time, we will have announcements about CS:GO, Minecraft and GMOD very soon, but if there is interest on a roblox server i'm happy to hear it (: