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Posts posted by Aegean

  1. +1

    He did mistake a rule that he read that @Bonk had to clarify, regardless of that though, was fun to play with, wasn't obnoxious and doesn't seem to cause problems.

    A:? (I Don't get on enough to know)


  2. @VinylScratch Remember you represent us so I appreciate your apology. @MJP aside from Vinyl's posts, you should take people's problems into account and work on bettering yourself so you can help sway the opinions of people who are -1'ing you. Remember staff are people too, so be considerate when you have a disagreement. Best of luck with your application ?

  3. I don't think this thread has any further reason to stay up. We will keep the rules as it is now, enforce the disrespect rule as we always do. Please remember we are a gaming community and we want people to have a good experience. We aren't trying to make our servers a safe space, but we will also be sure no one gets harassed or felt unwelcome by anyone without repercussion. 


  4. 25 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    Probably should have added the word "attempting," my bad, forgot implications aren't very easy to spot in text.

    I just don't want the clan that I'm a part of to turn into a safe space. And like I said, I understand where they're coming from, but I can't really see how strictly prohibiting the use of "faggot" and other words of the sort will do the clan any good. (I didn't say this exactly, but I did say I agreed with Goblin when he said something very similar.)

    That's exactly why I said think before you post. 

    No reason to be hostile to prove a point when you are better than that.

  5. @LAN_Megalodon we already have rules set in place for everything you are saying 

    Rule 12 in our General Rules: Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed to and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.

    I don't believe someone should get instantly banned for harassing someone, but they will get their one warning if doing so. They can claim it's a joke if they want, if the person they are targeting thinks it's offensive, that person must stop immediately.

    Rule 7: Keep all language PG- 13 on the servers, forum, and Discord. *You will not be kicked/slayed/banned for cussing. However, if you are doing it excessively to troll or abuse someone it will have repercussions.

    This is a blanket for any terms that aren't racist or sexist, but words that can still be used to abuse someone verbally.

  6. 5 hours ago, Tatost said:

    Sorry that I'm pissed that you guys are turning the clan I loved to hang out on into a fucking dictatorship.

    Not saying the word "faggot" can't be offensive, but it's the internet. I don't really care if someone is calling me a dumbass cracker on the internet because it doesn't mean shit. You just need to grow up and grow some thicker skin. "This GAMER just called me a FAGGOT online, I want him banned!" If someone says that to you IRL, that's a completely different story. Just bop them on the fucking nose with your karate kick you've been working on since you were twelve.

    People have an opinion on a word they don't want in our servers, and you're saying we're turning the clan into a fucking dictatorship.

    The right to voice an opinion without punishment is not a dictatorship, and the higher ups don't even agree with the suggestion in the first place but respect their right to do so. Why do you think this thread isn't deleted or locked?

    Stop overreacting, and think before you post.

  7. 1 hour ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

    Also just to point out, I'm pretty sure faggot at one point was a banned word, and I'm fairly certain I've seen people punished for "Dyke", so saying "Yeah but no racial slurs and everything else on a subjective basis is how we do things and have always done things" isn't even correct. We don't even follow that consistently.

    Whoever banned people for saying "dyke" was wrong to do so, my last name is Diker and people fuck around with me by calling me a dike (dyke). Unless they were constantly harassing members and dyke was one of the terms they used, I don't believe people got punished just for the word.

  8. I agree 100% with @Elcark and @Kypari. It has never been an issue in the past, faggot should NOT be considered on equal terms as the N word, or Sp*c, or other racially offensive terms. This is a video gaming community, if someone says to their friend "shut up faggot", I am not interested in punishing him as he does not deserve a punishment. If he is being disrespectful, follow the guide on that. 

    We are not a SJW clan, and we are not a safe space. We have rules for a reason, but we also understand that we are in an online gaming community, we want people to have fun, and we don't want to find trouble where it doesn't need to be found. If you honestly think someone saying faggot could ruin our servers, then we have other issues in my honest opinion.

    I'm telling you right now, unless I see overwhelming support from our community, I refuse to make our servers a safe space as it is more trouble than it is worth.