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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    Unfortunately, you must have 50 forum posts in order to apply for staff. Please don't spam; it is still possible to achieve staff by enforcing rules on server and getting noticed by a higherup, regardless of the amount of forum posts you have! -Closed
  2. 1 point

    Dukey - Counter-Strike

    Your member application has been denied. You may reapply in 30 days. ~closed
  3. 1 point

    Edits of Danny's profile picture

    @SegFault @mrnutty12
  4. 1 point

    Give me downvotes

    give me up votes ?
  5. 1 point


    I've been there a few times. In fact, I think many of us have. Don't feel too bad about it.
  6. 1 point


    Welcome back.
  7. 1 point

    Last comment wins

  8. 1 point


    I've been going though tough times recently... mostly with depression and such. I've been getting better slowly but there was alot of stress on me when I was spamming forums and being toxic. I genuinely feel terrible about how I acted.
  9. 1 point

    xG Charity Fundraiser

    A massive thank you to everyone who was involved! We've done a fantastic thing here and every donation, no matter big or small, is going to do great things. We have raised an amazing £328, or $417 that has gone straight to the ME Association! Everyone who donated will receive the M.E Charity Fundraiser role in the xG Discord (if you haven't already please let me know). Once again, thank you all! We couldn't have done this without each and every one of you. @SegFault @virr @Caribou @Dannypicacho @james8470 @Sylux @Aegean @MineCrack @Thorax_ @hongkongatron @shwash @BonfireCentipede @bagggel @Matteomax @plowcord625 Thank you all. As I stated before, your donations, no matter how big or small, have made all the difference.
  10. 1 point


    Can this please be closed already @Lithium Also congrats on -100 rep
  11. 1 point
    you get a gold star ⭐

    Last comment wins

    I bet you nerds thought you beat me but I have a very unhealthy sleep schedule and therefore can start mauposting on this thread an extra time
  12. 1 point


    I guess it's my time to shine. Before I start, I'd to let you guys know that activity and ability to play JB correctly does NOT mean someone is fit for moderator. If that were the case we'd promote everyone who's been on for a decent while and knows how to play. ScottNi is definitely a special case in xG. He's a generally fun person in most cases but can also show signs of immaturity or just not being ready. Through this TEDTalk writing I will explain the three things you should keep in mind about Scott before coming to a real decision, and maybe I can change some points of view. Firstly, we'd have to talk about Scott's impact on the community, we'd have to talk about his maturity, and his readiness to handle leadership. Scott has the potential to be a great staff member but does not clearly present it. To start us off, Scott is usually an enjoyable person. There hasn't been major troubles with him since Goldfish. But even coming from me, Scott has some serious issues with goldfish and did not show even the slightest bit of kindness when around him. Scott plays a lot of 10mans but in the case when it gets toxic, he often contributes to the toxicity rather than helping. While he usually doesn't start the problems, he sure doesn't fix them and a lot of the times causes them to continue further and build up more toxicity. Scott has made friends with the majority of the community as well as joining in on memes, them being annoying or not. Scott has definitely shown his involvement with the community, but not his commitment. Scott has issues with maturity. He doesn't showcase his best behavior and often has problems with certain members. He also doesn't react kindly to random people who don't like him. Scott has shown that one of his major weaknesses is his immaturity and while there are attempts to improve, nothing is achieved. Scott also doesn't seem to own up to his mistakes and instead tries to play it off or just make an excuse. When receiving criticism, Scott often pulls the hypocrisy card or shifts blame. This minecraft stuff that's been going on shouldn't be disregarded since it is key evidence displaying Scott's personality. If he acts this way on other servers chances are he's not going to put on a mask on xG. I assume we wouldn't encourage fake personalities solely on our servers while also representing the xG community outside and being intolerable. Scott needs to improve on his overall maturity and how he acts around the public of our servers. Donald McGannon, a broadcasting industry executive in the mid 1900's, once said "Leadership is an action, not a postion". This is a perfect example to use here since it seems like Scott doesn't have much interest in moderating servers, but more for the position you stand in. I'm not saying he is power hungry or would abuse, the problem here is that I've seen too many of these examples where someone is just tired of getting freekilled and being too lazy to get evidence. Another issue here is that due to either his wardening skills, his voice, or his overall personality, it doesn't seem like the semi-new community likes him much. With the moderator position you will get less disrespect and can act on the people who don't like you, which is not at all what it's about. Moderating is about leadership and readiness to voluntarily commit your devotion to the community. The willingness and eagerness to help out when needed is what it's about. The ability to not play, but moderate carefully when needed. I just don't think Scott shows visible signs that he is ready. In conclusion, Scott hasn't shown enough maturity or readiness to be a moderator in the community. He may have a decent reputation in the clan but just doesn't show the leadership skills or the maturity to join us in the roster yet. I believe Scott will one day soon be ready but for now he just hasn't got it in him. One day Scott could make a great moderator and he definitely has the potential but just overall does not show enough that we can see. I will not be +1ing this moderator application due to the fact that Scott does know clearly present his potential to be a moderator. Unfortunately, a "neutral" does nothing and gets nothing done. In this case I am going to have to go with a -1. Scott's overall maturity and presented moderator-friendly skills do not convince me that he is ready to join the CS:GO XenoGamer staff roster. -1 for mod -1 for probationary mod. I don't feel like probationary mod is the way to go. I believe someone should apply when they are truly ready to join the staff as a full mod and shouldn't have to prove themselves worthy or whatever.
  13. 0 points

    What are maps that make you leave?

    Aquaticruin, Bunker, Clocktown to a minimum, Delivery, Delfino airstrip, Sollytude, and sometimes Rogueport, I don't really like these maps since I dislike the competitive side of TGH which most of these maps are, well except for Sollytude, I just hate medieval mode.
  14. 0 points

    Official CS:GO 1v1 Tournament!

    Congratulations to the winners and thanks everyone for participating!
  15. 0 points

    Last comment wins

    I win ?
  16. 0 points

    The CS:GO division is banned.

    Edit: how do i delete a post?
  17. 0 points

    The CS:GO division is banned.

    as well it should be
  18. 0 points


    Bit deep for me saying I'm gonna be less of an asshole on the servers
  19. 0 points
    delfino airstrip, nimbusland, and pretty much any other map that favors one team over the other and encourages sniper hell. I have zero patience for those shitty maps. Also delivery. That map is not good, those who say otherwise are either people saying for the meme or people with negative iq
  20. 0 points


    I'm getting a bad sense of Déjà Vu here. Look, I don't wanna sound like an ass, but I believed you could change before and you let me down. You basically became a meme in the community with all the drama that transpired involving you leaving and coming back in such a short period of time. Now, I know we can all have our problems IRL, and it can be hard not to let them affect how we act, but your behavior was still childish and unacceptable. This would usually be the part where I act optimistic and say "the past is the past", but even today, you're going around literally begging for downvotes. I don't care if it's 'for the memes lul', considering what it took to get you to that point, I think it's still a slap to the face to those who had faith in you. It almost feels like you've learned nothing. And if you've learned nothing, why should we put our trust in you again? Ugh, look, I know next to nothing about you besides all of your past drama Neon. I also don't see you much or talk to you on servers, so I don't know what things you must be struggling with. I will say though that I'm sorry things are rough for you, and I hope you get past them. You'll always be welcome here at xG as long as you follow the rules, but I suggest that for the best possible experience, you stay true to your word and improve from here on out. Because honestly, I don't see things going much better for you this time if you don't make an effort to do better.
  21. 0 points


    +1 really active, knows the rules, can be toxic but he is fair when he takes warden. The only bad thing that I could think of him getting mod is like @Sodium getting really mad.
  22. 0 points


    I literally go around asking for downvotes what did you expect
  23. 0 points

    Are homosexuals gay?

  24. -1 points

    Suggestions Thread

    Ace you are so kind to put this up, but you forgot to say this, Is “cheese and crackers” allowed to play for T’s and I think it should be allowed but less confusing.
  25. -1 points

    Last comment wins

    the person below has an IQ below 70
  26. -1 points

    Last comment wins

    Jeez, I'm at negative rep. because of this. I thought this would be fun.
  27. -1 points

    Last comment wins

  28. -1 points

    Last comment wins

  29. -1 points

    Suggestions Thread

    I don't think your sentence could get any more confusing.
  30. -1 points

    The Smash Ultimate FC Megathread

This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00