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State of fat manning

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I want to talk about the state of 10manning and fat manning. 

I want to first start by saying if you feel like this doesn't effect you its cause you're someone that fat mans someone out.

Its been very apparent to me that people get fat manned way to much on the random pop up 10mans outside of sundays, as someone who fat mans someone out every now and then it sucks to see, but hey I want to play too right? wrong, I feel like we should change every 10man to a first come first serve basis with very very few exceptions.

Two examples I can think of for fat manning people out-

  • Past history: Player A: and Player B: lets use Steven, and Jubens as an example. If you know these two people they're very hot headed and clash anytime they play each other or with each other, Steven has gone multiple rounds disconnected from the discord, or just leaves the game altogether. So with this rule you would be able to apply it with a "strict" criteria, you can't just say, oh I had a bad game and don't want said player.
  •  No mic, Refuses to communicate: The only player that really comes to mind is John Galt, But if you have past experiences with players who refuse to communicate or are just social disconnects you can express the right to fat man them out. (This applies to you depressed genocide) lil bitch. 



  • Verbal spots. If we do make all 10 mans first come first serve, will we be using verbal agreements to join.

All in all, I for one am all for making all 10 mans First come first serve basis 
@Bonk @Jadow @LeToucan @Lithium @Shox @Pepper @virr

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TBH, i dont like most the people we play with and i just pick them becasue i dont have any better options, sometimes i will pick goldfish becuase i dont like seeing him fat maned out. I didnt read this becasue fuck @Rabid but i support getting rid of fat manning.

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I wouldn't mind having fat manning be removed but it's important in a lot of cases. 50% or more of the games we have with Goldfish end up with him being really annoying which is why we started to fat man him out, even though it gets a little extreme sometimes where you guys literally start begging for one more just to fat man him out. 

Here's what I think. If a lot of people join in around the same ~5 minutes, the fat man out process will be used. If you get 10 players exactly who are willing to stay for the entire 10man, then you just start it. If like one or two people join after you have 10, just tell them they were too late. But if a lot of people show an interest in playing and join around the same time, then it would be ok to fat man out.

Or alternatively... we have a REAL fat man out. Anyone who is overweight in real life has to be the last picks. Survival of the fittest. 

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Its become a meme to fat man people out such as goldfish. I'd say we should have more days in which it is first come first serve, such as adding the rest of the weekend. Its unfair when somebody only gets to do scrims on sundays even when they are one of the first two or three people in the scrim room every scrim.

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3 minutes ago, MinerTeddy said:

Are we not just using the easy system of [Fills up fast = Fat Man] vs [Slow trickle of players = first-come-first-serve]

I think this is the best solution so that we don't have situations of people with slower computers getting booted out of games because the other 10 people connected before them

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I don't think that it's fair for people to play very little to no 10mans because of them being fat man. I would like to see it were instead of waiting for 10+ people to fatman we just start it.  I remember there was a 10man were it didn't start till Le Toucan joined so Goldfish would be fatmaned.


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1 hour ago, Bonk said:
1 hour ago, MinerTeddy said:

Are we not just using the easy system of [Fills up fast = Fat Man] vs [Slow trickle of players = first-come-first-serve]

I think this is the best solution so that we don't have situations of people with slower computers getting booted out of games because the other 10 people connected before them

Pretty much this, it works well most of the time. As far as the same goldfish person getting fatmanned out, I do think that people need to chill with that shit. I mean, some people can be annoying to play with, but when they are one of the first people to join and don't get to play a single 10man, that is just toxic.


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+1, even though I dislike 10mans, it is unfair to see Goldfish or others fatmanned when they were waiting for one to start for a while. First come, first serve would be much better ?

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