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zane2453 - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

.vAs. Zane

Steam ID:



My friends and I play the Jailbreak #2 server often. One night when we were all playing, I free-killed a few people as a guard. I don't want to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why I did it, but it was just me being immature. Now that I don't have access to the xG servers, I am starting to miss them.. lol.


It was just one of those nights where I was being dumb and immature, and I'm sorry. It's not a good feeling when you hear your friends having a blast and you can't be a part of it. I swear I won't free-kill again, I probably won't even play guard. Please take my honesty and consider =).

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Steam ID Finder[/url] If you could fix your Steam ID, it would be greatly appreciated. You can do so in the link provided (just follow the instructions) @@MuffinMonster @@Canadia

Is that better?

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