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Just Putting It Out There

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I'm Gender Fluid. That means I don't identify as either fully male or fully female but fluctuate between them. Little more info here if you care at all. That also means that you don't have to correct people (or answer people) if they ask if I'm female/try to make fun of me because I have a female voice (I really don't care about those guys. If they really piss me off I can mute/gag because of the disrespect (after I warn them to stop of course.)) I know some of you could not give less of a shit. Or don't think this is a thing. Or will make really tasteless jokes about it. But I still felt like it needed to be out there. I don't care if you call me she, he or them. Just don't call me it (I know I called myself that in the past. Was trying to work myself out.)


Anyway, long story short.

Have fun knowing someone outside of the gender binary identities.

I hate you all. Except you. You know who you are.

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I've heard of people like this before, they are born with female bodies but a male brain and want to have the best of both worlds so refuse to be either one gender or the other. It's understandable and I don't see a problem with it.

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TFW i've known what gender fluidity is since i was in first grade (the perks of living in a wonderland of dirty hippy types. read: "liberals"). falling outside the gender binary is cool yo. do you.

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So you straight or gay is the real question?

i still don't understand do u like penis or vagina

I like both but I have a preference for girls. They're cuter.

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Guys, are all these questions necessary? If he wants to answer them thats ok. But if not, its private stuff, leave him alone :shifty: >:|

I mean, a thread was made in general about it. He either wants attention or he wants to inform people, which comes along with questions. So yes, me asking the size of his shlong is necessary.

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I have the anatomy of a female. And the point of the thread was to inform people of my gender identity seeing as every time I get on servers someone asked so this was for the general knowledge of the players. It was more a preemptive thing for when I get back on servers.

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