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Ganja banned me for 1 week no reason why

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First off I did not troll him,I did not freekill, and he wants to say I did without any proof. I know that Ganja is a admin and you guys are going to say he did it cause of this purpose but do not lie for him. I banned me for no reason and this is what like his 3rd time that he has done this to people. I want a unban and for him to get demoted.

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What is this suppose to prove. I said the question and the prize before the video started and idk why but you have always had a problem with me and idk why but its probably cause you got abused by a towel idk but you need to clean your attitude.

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Ganja didn't abuse, he is completely within his power to ban you for a week. You need to stop trolling, you also killed the guy that !checkmated, which I don't believe jumping was restricted. So that's bad as well. You earned your ban, just come back in a week.

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This has no proof. Xenogamers Bans doesnt prove he abused, it only proves he banned you and may have or may not have abused. now if you had a demo of this showing you did nothing wrong, THATS proof. so -1 and this needs to be closed.

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Please bring proof of any abuse or wrongdoing next time you accuse anyone. Wait out your ban and change how you act in the servers when you come back.



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