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Everything posted by ScottNi

  1. ScottNi


    I gave the same punishment as all players get I kicked you and then you joined back without changing your name and so I banned you?
  2. ScottNi


    Waffles you constantly get on the server break rules in front of staff then argue why you did nothing wrong. I constantly see you intentionally breaking rules then loopholing. I asked you to change your name because there was nothing to refer to you as. Then you told me to fuck myself and refused to change your name and I said I would kick you if you didn't I gave it around and there was no name change. So I kicked you and, you immediately joined back and I moved to a ban. I would be more lenient with some other people but all I see from you is just constant trolling and attempts to argue with other staff members on rules. @Waluigi
  3. ScottNi


    Holy shit this whole thread is childish at this point
  4. Sorry to see you go man. Hope you eventually come back
  5. ScottNi

    CS Setups

    16:9 2560x1440 I have no problems seeing anything
  6. Why wouldn't it? two questions. Do you have DLC? and What prestige are you? cause the infamy rewards allow you to put more perk points in each tree allowing you to get better stuff. I am currently running a shotgun dodge build I don't remember the specifics but I have 7 concealment and most of my extra perks are in the shotgun tree
  7. ScottNi


    http://www.mediafire.com/file/q2pob3qj3w9hfbt/easily.dem/file - Moonjail http://www.mediafire.com/file/05q4llltizqbbbn/easily_2.dem/file - Vip
  8. I understand DarkRP is a challenge to run but I think it would be a very fun server to have.
  9. ScottNi


    As much as I like you I am going to have to go with a strong -1 First of all, you are not on the servers very much at all. You barely have 4 days played on the server which is really low considering you have been playing for about 5 months now? Second I do not believe you are familiar with rules. Not that you break them or whatever but you just kinda go with it when you are on the server. Third I don't believe you are very well known among the player base of the server. I imagine a quarter of the people who currently play on the servers knows who you are. I'm sorry to -1 this. I think you are a fantastic player and a person I just don't see you as a staff member. If you can bring up your activity in the next couple of months I would probably +1 but right now I don't think it would be a good fit. Edit: In the last three months you have less than six hours played on the server.
  10. Minimum hour requirement is 12 however the app can stay open for a couple of days to meet the requirement @Caleb956
  11. Yikers time for round 2 of quote's
  12. Or you could just speak to hong in discord or comment on one of the newer community night threads
  13. ScottNi

    Optimal Mouse DPI

    It used to be lower but I upped it after I started KZing
  14. I like putting a piece of popcorn in my mouth and swallow it without chewing.
  15. Yikes, he got rejected that doesn't bode well for you.
  16. ScottNi


    Thanks for looking out for me Danny but, I have seen her dick so I think we are all good.
  17. ScottNi


    Not about this situation at all. But goldfish does get quite a bit of unwarranted hate for shit that happened months ago. I feel like he has massively improved as a person on our servers.
  18. +1 I don't see why not in terms of maturity. Activity could be better but that's about it.
  19. everything else is trivial except new maps and possibly new lr's
  20. -1 I used to dislike you quite a bit in the past but, you have gotten a lot better. Still don’t think you are ready for a higher position. You would get pretty upset if things were not going you’re way in the past and that would cause you to generally be toxic around others. Also you are not active on discord or with the community in general.
  21. +1 but 09:41:50 hours so yeah a - 1 m-11+? Gamer girl