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I am going to murder these people.

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So a person posted this picture on Facebook. This is what insued.



Person1: OMG! that is perfect!


Person2: Ikr


Person1: is that a flying cat on the side with a rainbow coming out of his butt?


Person2: I have no clue


Person1: haha me either


Person3: its neon cat that video from youtube and there a game too???


Person2: Rotko Ya I think it is!!!!


Person1: ohhh yaa haha


Person3: it is lol


Person1: haha why would they put that on a graduation cake?!


Person2: Rotko Bc it's halarious


Person3: bc they wanted too be??? creative lmao


Person1: ya it is...


Person3: lol


Person1: that old man is creepy...


Person3: umm.


Person2: And who dosent like cats with rainbows up their butts!!!


Person3: ha yeah and apoptart body :)))


Person2: Ya


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Why would you expect them to know about memes and shit? , *then i was gonna make a joke about the type of person like you that knows about memes and shit, but then i thought it might be too harsh, so i decided to write this shit, just to let you know that i'm kind enough to understand you,respect you and your feeling; but at the same time for you to understand my true feelings towards you and yourr useless threads ;D*

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Wait til College. Everyone knows what MEMES are. All people do with their day is troll the internet. WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO BESIDES IT.

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