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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/19 in Posts

  1. 11 points


    @discord mods I know you guys are just trying to keep the peace on discord, but try to not antagonize people who are clearly just trolling. You guys are just feeding fuel to a fire. Also be a little more hesitant on muting someone. @Steven @Rabid Grow up, and stop being so condescending. These guys are legit trying to keep our members from being annoyed on discord, and you guys are intentionally being rude or annoying. You both should also practice what you preach and learn to not take things so seriously. I Nothing to be done from this report, both sides can improve from today forward. If issues persist in the future, we can discuss it in another thread. If anyone needs any clarification, feel free to message me as well.
  2. 4 points


    what lol
  3. 3 points


    What exactly was this thread meant to accomplish? From what I have seen so far it has just been a bunch of petty back-and-forth 'you're wrong, here's why!' I am all for constructive criticism, but this seems far too public for something of this nature. Before I go any further, I was not there when this happened, I just read through the chat after the fact. (Jesus christ.) But because I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night, suppose I should just get the highlight reel going. @Rabid respect is a two way street, while staff absolutely have an obligation to at the very least act respectful towards members and players, the same is true for members towards staff. I know that a lot of what people take away as you being 'toxic' is just the way that you naturally type/talk, but even still you can get a little overzealous and this situation is a good example of it. But it was his response that resulted in the mute. The only thing I can agree on was that the mute was a bit impulsive and not evenly distributed given the shitshow that was above it. Nonetheless, it was not really taking the context away, as long as you actually read what was in this entire thread above it. wat. To be perfectly clear, I do agree that staff should not engage in stupid/petty arguments. That being said, it has to stop at some point, and using his powers is a sure fire way of doing it. If steven had an issue with that, well, just use DMs. In fact, that is kind of a recurring theme for most the the issues here. But I digress. This may just be semantics, but I believe most of us can distinguish the difference between a civil debate and a childish argument. Right, but if the channel becomes flooded with petty responses and points that equate to non-starters, that is spam. Just reading through the logs kind of shows that is exactly what it turned into. On both sides. Two people (one of which apparently later rescinded his comment after realizing a warning had occured) does not make a majority. Pretending like there was unwavering support against the mute when in reality only small handful of people cared either way may as well be a lie. Bruh. Actually do agree with this, no matter how heated things are, as long as the time function is working you should have fixed it and perhaps elaborated a bit more on your mute reason. @Tatost Okay. okay. So. I once again have to ask why a thread like this was even made, given the vast majority of things here could have been said in DMs. Just feels like a weird attempt at a public shaming for something that was not even a big deal to begin with. To conclude, stop acting like children. @everyone should treat @everyone with respect. Y'all know better than this, no need to be best friends with each other but hot damn. Please do take a step back and look at how weirdly petty this entire thread looks. Unless for some reason higherups feel like some sort of action should be taken against @hongkongatron and @Tatost, than perhaps this should be closed?
  4. 3 points


    Holy shit this whole thread is childish at this point
  5. 2 points

    Bumpy Bumpy

    This thread is to show our love for @Bumpy and his massive male genitalia. All hail our new overlord, Bumpy McBigDick. Also, fuck @Dannypicacho.
  6. 2 points


    closing because people can't be mature. other higher ups will respond here when they are able.
  7. 2 points

    PanMan - Counter-Strike

    Big fat -1, the kid on this account constantly breaks rules, and free kills. If you have ever played with him you have most likely seen him do this. He also always goes CT and should try to be a T more so he can learn from the more experienced guards. The older brother on this account is chill and seems to know the rules.
  8. 1 point

    Bumpy Bumpy

  9. 1 point


    closed, he left
  10. 1 point


    No need to attack individuals here RE RE Reformed Brady. Bye soulipie i'll pie you later
  11. 1 point


    if you have a problem with the way certain staff members or higher ups are acting, tell them instead of just outbursting about "how the higher ups control things" and getting extremely defensive out of nowhere. that doesn't solve any problems
  12. 1 point


    Why are you selectively reading my quote? I never said stopping the nonsense in #csgo was a childish power trip. Your participation by feeding Steven is childish, and calling it a "flamewar" when it was just Steven freaking out while other people are trying to input valuable opinions is borderline a power trip (hence, I never said it was actually a power trip).
  13. 1 point

    more or less a fresh restart?

    heyo I know it's cheesy and all, but I've decided that I overall just want to start being more mature. Over the past few months, I've been trying to improve myself when it comes to everything, such as being more formal, doing better in school, spacing myself away from the computer, and what I think my main flaw was: oversharing. I don't see the need to let random people know what I find attractive or the fact that I'm really shy, because having that attitude is just overall a bad idea that repeats into a cycle of complaining and not doing anything to help the issue. The TF2 surf server was part of my late childhood, and although I admit that it was awesome, I have this idea in my head that people still view me as that weird lil kid who just bhops around with a rocket launcher. I still have that same stupid sense of humor, but I just want to leave behind all the stupid stuff I have done as a pre-teen. I know that I probably shouldn't be worrying about all of this at this age, but I have just had this really bad self image that I've been working hard to reform, and I feel like just letting people know that I am not the person I was a year or two ago is sort of just the right thing. I think that's just about the gist of it, I hope to see you guys on the server at some point! Also Blaster is still a furry.
  14. 1 point
    *turns 13* Fr tho it's great to see you have motivation to improve
  15. 0 points


    I don't feel like staying in the community anymore. I can no longer hide the fact that I'm pissed off at higher ups, the way you guys treat certain members, and the way that rules literally don't apply to some people. I'll probably come back to the community, when I can actually handle it all for once. I really hope to see this community change for the better.
  16. 0 points

    Bumpy Bumpy

    bumpy bumpy?
  17. 0 points


    closing as this is not the place to argue about the topic, from what I can tell ScottNi is in the right here, AND there's no evidence to support the 'abuse'. "if you are asked to change your name by an admin or mod, then you must change it, punishable by kick/ban if you don't." I don't see how that single line alone discouraged you from posting this thread. I was having issues with you and your name earlier and from what I can tell it's been a problem all day and apparently has been in the past. Stop trying to loophole and then play the victim when someone calls you on it. ~closed for no evidence
  18. 0 points


    Waffles you constantly get on the server break rules in front of staff then argue why you did nothing wrong. I constantly see you intentionally breaking rules then loopholing. I asked you to change your name because there was nothing to refer to you as. Then you told me to fuck myself and refused to change your name and I said I would kick you if you didn't I gave it around and there was no name change. So I kicked you and, you immediately joined back and I moved to a ban. I would be more lenient with some other people but all I see from you is just constant trolling and attempts to argue with other staff members on rules. @Waluigi
  19. 0 points


    Well soulify, even you tried to apply for mod, your leaving already ?. I wish I said goodbye to you in the Jb server and I thought of you becoming better than anyone on the server. I thought of a friend, even though, I think annoy you sometimes (kind of tried to do on purpose), idk if I was really annoying to you and idk if you hate me for that even I tried to be da worst. I’m disappointed that your leaving and disappointed that I had to cover someone’s shift and not played on the xG server to say goodbye to you. I hope you can come back in a good memory of the server or you end up like me, plz don’t end up like me. Loyalty at first and a rebel at the end. Just think about the people that care about you and the people you care about. Even there is a certain stuff member not following the program of things, don’t let that down you. You can change things in ther server without being a mod, admin, member, or any staff. The unique thing about all of xG, is the people and their personalities that can change xG. Even your reading this soulify, and the fact your pissed of at a certain guy, that guy is 0.004%/100% of the xG community. You can just figure out a solution to solve the problem or you can enjoy life with a family member or a friend or a dog(if your preferring a @Roadrunner) IRL. Because life is short. One day, someone that you care or love is ganna die, or one day you got cancer or got a severely illness. Just remember, you have one life, one chance to do something because in life, once you decide something, there no coming back.well, If your gonna stay, see ya on Friday. if your leaving, adois amigo.... -Mr.Gladiator : )
  20. 0 points


    yeah why the fuck was rabid muted, u guys let me get away with 3 10 man @ s + my point was if you're going to be a complete infant when someone @10mans then maybe take off the tag? Also don't see why random tf2 members completely irrelevant to the topic have to join in, as they do not know the full history behind what happens; instead of just supporting an old tf2 member I do admit to instigating the argument but you guys are *snowflake emoji* (s). speaking of @Kypari joining in the discussion on discord here is the last of your minecraft base. as tyler 1 says "lata bishhh"
  21. -1 points

    Lithium - Counter-strike

    Sick spelling nerd.
  22. -1 points


    These two are so fucking stupid I shouldn't even have to put it here... But you are trying to solve the problem of you and hong on a power trip with an argument... Let people argue... Yall make it worse half the time by threatening your dumbass powers on people. Plus most the time it is just banter and people enjoy watching it happen
  23. -1 points


    I honestly laughed at this
  24. -2 points


    dont act like yall dont straight abuse sometimes
  25. -2 points


    Member's Name Guest Information Ever since ScottNi has become a moderator, he has become abusive towards players. I have noticed several instances when he has said something along the lines of "You must do this because I said so." I feel like this is a completely unprofessional statement due to the fact that it sounds like a power hungry staff member is trying to pick a fight with a player. It would be much more reasonable to say something such as "You must do this because there is a rule stating: " and then specify a rule that the player is breaking. I understand that it can be difficult as a staff member to deal with players who enjoy trolling; however, it is part of the job that they applied for. However, the reason I am creating this report is because I was just banned by ScottNi while playing CS:GO. I was banned because I didn't change my name to include 3 typable characters. However, this does not appear to be a rule. The only place where this is mentioned in either the CS:GO rule threads or the general rule thread is as follows: Taken from General Rules: No special characters in your in-game name, you can have some but there has to be enough legible characters (a,b,c,d etc.) in order for an admin or mod to target you, if you are asked to change your name by an admin or mod, then you must change it, punishable by kick/ban if you don't. (This rule does not apply for CSGO or TF2) ScottNi mentioned that he was not going to ban me for breaking a rule, but for trolling. However, the only way in which I could have been trolling was arguing with him. I was certainly arguing with him, but only because he was ordering me to follow a rule that isn't even a rule. I feel like this situation was handled completely unprofessionally, and that ScottNi abused his powers. This is not the first this he has ordered players to do something just because he feels like it, but this was the first time which he took action against a player for not following his orders. Even if there is a rule that I overlooked that justifies ScottNi's actions, the situation was handled poorly. In the future, if a staff member is asked why they are telling a player to do something, they should not respond in an an aggressive way ordering a player to do what they said because they are staff. They should point the player to the rule they are breaking. -Waffles
  26. -3 points

    Bumpy Bumpy

    @Bumpy fuck me daddy bump UwU
  27. -7 points


    He didn't outburst... it is a known fact of what he is saying. rules dont apply to hong or tatost and this community has gone to absolute shit after they became staff so dont act like it is out of nowhere. and if we say anything to yall all you say is "we are handling it dont make it public". Love you Soulify I hope to still play with you
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