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Everything posted by Rejects

  1. KOTH Neurotoxin | Team Fortress 2 Maps this is the map, it originally had a koth_ prefix but was renamed to portal for some reason which is what causes the texture glitches
  2. +1 is really good at building stuff in minecraft, used to be an active tf2 regular and is just a really nice guy a: 7/10 m: 9/10
    1. BonfireCentipede


  4. 2013 jailbreak :( hi starmix remember me? :D
  5. it's a bad translation of the navy seals copypasta in scottish gaelic
  6. Dè an rud a bha thu dìreach ag ràdh mu mo dheidhinn, a 'ghealach beag agad? Bidh fios agam gum bi mi air ceum a dhèanamh air mullach mo chlas anns na Ròin Nèibhi, agus tha mi air a bhith an sàs ann an iomadh ionnsaigh dhìomhair air Al-Quaeda, agus tha còrr is 300 de mharbhadh dearbhte agam. Tha mi air a thrèanadh ann an cogadh gorilla agus is mise am prìomh inneal-cogaidh anns na feachdan armaichte air fad. Chan eil dad agad ach dìreach targaid eile. Leigidh mi thu am fuck a-mach le mionaid nach fhacas a-riamh roimhe air an Talamh seo, comharraich na faclan agam. A bheil thu a 'smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut faighinn air falbh le bhith ag ràdh gu bheil an crathadh agam air an eadar-lìon? Smaoinich a-rithist, fucker. Mar a tha sinn a 'bruidhinn tha mi a' bruidhinn ris an lìonra dìomhair de luchd-spèis air feadh nan SA agus tha an IP agad ga lorg ceart an-dràsta gus am bi thu nas fheàrr ullachadh airson stoirm, maggot. An stoirm a bhios a 'briseadh a-mach an rud beag bòidheach a dh' ainmicheas tu do bheatha. Tha thu fucking marbh, gille. Faodaidh mi a bhith ann an àite sam bith, aig àm sam bith, agus is urrainn dhomh do mharbhadh ann an còrr is seachd ceud dòigh, agus tha sin dìreach le mo làmhan lom. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil mi air a thrèanadh gu mòr ann an sabaid neo-arm, ach tha cothrom agam air armachd iomlan Marine Corps na Stàitean Aonaichte agus cleachdaidh mi e gu a làn ìre gus an t-asal tinn agad a dhìon bho aghaidh na mòr-thìr, tha thu beag. Mura h-urrainn dhut fios a bhith agad dè an t-ath-dhìoladh neo-chinnteach a bha an aithris "clever" beag agad mu bhith a 'toirt sìos ort, is dòcha gum biodh tu air a bhith a' cumail do theanga fiadhaich. Ach cha b 'urrainn dhut, cha do rinn thu, agus a-nis tha thu a' pàigheadh a 'phrìs, tha thu giotamach. Bidh mi a 'crathadh crodh air feadh an t-saoghail agus bidh thu a' bàthadh ann. Tha thu fiadhaich marbh, kiddo. I'm bored :\
  7. Sesh, I know me and you had some troubles in the past but I considered you a great dm. it's sad to see you step down :(
  8. why not you @Insane? also hi
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rejects
    3. Egossi


      Shitposting is just dumb tbh i mean there are times when shitposting is funny but shitposting just gets annoying too fast I occasionally like shitposting too tho Also snowy is dumb too xddd
    4. SnowyMinion
  10. òga na h-Alba sireadh duine a nighean snog c:
    1. virr


      did you get something stuck in your keyboard or something
    2. Elcark


      Fheàrr leam seann daoine na h-Alba
    3. shwash


      Stop speaking Irish. English is the only language allowed in xG
  11. grats matt and krampus rip moosty :(
  12. *attention seeking status goes here* c:
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yesstergi


      is it meeeeeeeeee???
    3. Rejects


      I dunno, maybe, maybe not
    4. Moosty


      You got my attention babygurl that ass is fiiire
  13. ayy have fun on your holiday krampus! see you on the 9th
  14. oh boy this was a while ago iirc I dont think I have ever accidentily or unintentionally team banned someone permantly so I'm assuming that I banned this person for mass freekilling and just entered the reason wrong or forgot to enter one however I cannot remember this incident so it is possible that I wrongfully banned you so I'm neutral on an unban @Bello
  15. +1 she is an extremely kind hearted person and is a great person to be around, she's also pretty active on tgh and other servers A : 8/10 M : 9/10
  16. 5ZYA3-W5PMJ-3Z6XE I have no idea what this game is
  17. Minecraft Username: TheScotRejects UUID: 0fea4ad5-33ba-4dec-9628-906e1714c1dc
  18. is it time for me to completely revoice the demoman? 10/10 mod though +1111