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Mass freekill as a Terrorist?

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I just got banned for Mass Freekill for one day. However, I was play as a Terrorist. This makes me really confused. Maybe it is a mistake, banned a wrong person? Or, other reasons for ban?

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Seems to me the only way to have this resolved is to have the admin/mod who banned you for said offense to give their part of the story. Wait on @A51Nova to give their input.

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I think there maybe a misunderstanding or something. That day was a CT ninja day and I was in the vent cell as a T. I really don't know why you said i was a CT.

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Does Ban = Instantly kick? Cause i had being at T side for a long while. If it is possible that I am going to auto swap to the CT side in next round, so it makes me could kill the Ts in this round at the very end as a T? It happens sometime.


I know it just one day. But no matter it is one day or one hour, I do not think I shoud responsible for something that i did not do. Since I play this server, I never did mass freekill. Why would I do it when there are three admins there.

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I had already informed you why I slayed, I don't do bans without a reason. You were a CT and it wasn't only me that saw you freekill. It's only 1 day, be patient and come back the next day. I don't like doing bans/slay/kicks, but if players aren't following the rules and adhering to them and breaking server rules, I'll take action. Usually I'm pretty lenient, so I believe you should just wait it out and don't escalate this any further.

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There is no proof from you other than you are stating things that may or may not have happened.


Nova is an admin and as such i trust his judgement. ban is up later tonight anyway, just wait it out.



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My name is nova and I go into threads that are already closed and re-state things that have already been stated by someone clearly better than me in all ways. especially singing! :)





go suck a fat one faggot

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go suck a fat one faggot


You're a Division Leader. Behave better. Don't use this type of language. I don't care even if they are trolling at this point. You're supposed to remain calm and mature.


EDIT: It was meant for Chrono, but yeah. He needs to behave better. Not directed at you, probably should have specified. Strike 1/3 @@Chrono .

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