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DnD Dungeon Master

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Hey guys, my friends and I have started a REAL DnD group IRL and we need a dungeon master who knows how to play. We have a computer set up specifically for skype, so if anyone who knows how to play DnD, help would be appreciated. We have a group of I think 8 or 9 now and we have all of character sheets done, but havent started one encounter yet primarily because no one knows how to dungeon master... So ya, help us please.


(And dont make fun of us for playing DnD, we have lives, they just revolve around DnD :P)

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Its still around, and its also still being expanded. The game is really fun and a lot of the math work is now digital so the only thing you really need to do is learn how to make your character and then play. Hence why we need a DnD master.

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I've always wanted to get into DnD/Pathfinder but have never found a group of friends willing to play it; how does one create character sheets and whatnot?

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You can find character sheets online to use, but i just downloaded (pirated) the one you have to pay for to make our characters. We did find a dungeon master already, sorry, and our group now has 12 people in it which is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many. But if you find a group to play with ill gladly send you the character builder I have.

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