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Disrespect!? What the f... Boom!

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The title is pretty cool in this thread eh? Anyways, the disrespect in this clan is INSANE! What is going on xG? I'm gonna write this once. If you guys want someone banned, do NOT troll them and get them provoked while you are at it... like that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. We aren't going to ban someone if we see the community troll them back. Have some respect. You guys all know what i'm talking about, and there is a bunch of individuals who I will talk to since you guys seem to not understand how to have a good community.


This is me as I was going on the internet : Oooh awesome I wonder what's been going on the last week


This is me as I start reading the posts on xenogamers and seeing all the disrespect : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H91rPIq2mN4


We aren't going to ban someone for retaliating to all the trolls. If someone is getting banned wrongfully, and you guys troll him for putting up a protest, and he gets mad, why would we possibly think of them in the wrong? YOU DUN GOOFED XENOGAMERS!


Anyways, I will talk to ducki (and give her the cookie I promised) about a bunch of you, and I will probably talk to the few of you who this post is about. Respect your fellow gamers, the last thing we want out of you guys is just trolling members till they quit, since that is not what our clan is about.



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Some 'people' are getting way out of hand in this clan with trolling. Some of them I cannot keep my temper whenever they continue on about stupid things because they feel like it.


I don't care if you make a troll thread like "CLICK HERE FOR FREE MONEY"


I do care if they are trying to provoke a more severe reaction intentionally without repent.


Note: This is not to Justin Bieber. <3 You.

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Well, Everytime im on JB or any server, I ask anybody to be respectfull and i tell trolls to stop trolling, this morning at 1 or 2 there was Massive trolls. I got really pissed off and banned them for a day. the 4 of them

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Aegean, i know who this is about...and i couldnt agree more. I was one of the ppl to post a ban request for a certain person...and i completely understand what ur saying, but to some people (me n bluntman) we tried to make friends with him...but he trolled us. So, to summarize, i agree with what u r doing and im glad ur back in the clan to end this stupid ****.

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As being one of the trollers in occasions I cannot blame myself nor will I admit to my actions. This following sentence is directed to the mods/admins, I do understand that your job is demanding and I do respect your efforts to keep the server as clean, nice, and enjoyable for everyone, some mods are just negligent. They don't pay attention, they're always "Oh I was getting a condom" (no really) or "Sorry I didn't see". Those words are getting tossed around like confetti. I am insearch of one of my videos where there was a mod who was on top of the cells in Lego Jail Break while I was in simon says pit and got freekilled and all the mod said was "I didn't see it". Which is why mostly I troll at admins, but I have a legit reason.


Enough about that, but the player to player, member to player and member to member disrespecting as gone out of hand, being a third party and taking neither side of the position this has defined stop, one little problem becomes a wide spread infection. It disrupts our game, and the games of others while admins are working to stop the nonsense, they often miss the important things like uhhhh FREEKILLING and various stuff. I follow Aegean <3!!

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Truer words have never been spoken Aegean, But really, If someone is Disrespecting or something like that, Don't Cuss 'em out or troll 'em back, just try to settle it like a gentleman! I see this crap WAY too much on the jailbreak server! :D

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Mkay well, Some of our members seems as if they don't care about other people but themselfs. As they troll and troll other players , They also lie to us Mods/Admins on what they are doing. People continue to provoke other players or members such as aegean said to get them ban because they don't like them and don't care which i find dumb. Same thing with some of our mods, A few of them i've seen disrespecting some of our members or players to provoke them so than they can use their admin power to silence/kick/ban the person. Probally Tonight me and Aegean will clean up teh trollz and get them out of here. Also, Don't rage at our mods/admins because you got freekilled or some what and than the admins/mod didn't do anything , They're not gods they don't see Everything and cannot do anything. But you can tell us mods/admins of the player who freekilled you or broke a rule so than next round we can watch that certain someone more closely and explain to him the rules.


Also, Everyone pwease stop asking us why you didn't get promoted to mod or admin, We try our best to find great mods/admins for the servers so than you guys can enjoy, And don't try to provoke any of our mods/admin to get them demoted or ask for a demotions. kthnx


AND Aegean i still didn't get my cookiez D:

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Aegean, i completely agree, but the "person" who's posting ban protests, are posting them for bans that are usually less than 6 hours. I just find that dumb. Why don't they just figure out what they did wrong, learn from it, and go outside and enjoy the fresh air while you're banned. Like, i'd understand if it was a day or more, but like 30min-1hr? Seriously? Anyways, good job on this :) <3

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