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More RTD options

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Been thinking about this, was kinda wondering if you can add more types of RTD into the current one we have. So far we have about I believe 9 (maybe missing 1 or 2) but thought maybe a few newer ones could make it more interesting. I'm not thinking of having people getting RTD's with weapons because of obvious reasons and had a few certain people who abused that ;)




Kamikaze: You're a ticking time bomb and have 5 seconds to live (self damage only, heavens forbid we put all damage on that for same team...teamkills...teamkills everywhere)


Reverse: Your movements are now backwards (use S to move forward, use W to walk backwards, etc)


Burn: You suddenly combust into flames and lose some HP


Dud: Yawn...You get absolutely nothing.


Armor: You get armor, nuff said.


Sunglasses: You will now be not effected by flashbangs (Didn't we have this one before? but I guess its kinda pointless since there are a few Minigame/Deathrun maps that use flashbangs)


Just a few I had in mind =P Highly doubt this will go into effect, but still, would be a fun thing to add on

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I like the reverse and dud ideas. I dont really know about kamikaze though, it just kills the player and they have to wait till the next round to play.


If its worked by percentages, maybe it can be a small chance of getting it =P

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I dont know if we can add onto the plugin since we didnt make it. Pretty sure if we want more rtd we would need an entirely new plugin. I could be wrong though.

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