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List of Jailbreak rules not in MOTD

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Was thinking about rules that aren't in the MOTD but I've heard multiple mods say. Please correct me if I'm wrong and add if needed. This is non-official:


1) CT's must be out of armory by 7:45

2) Crouchwalking is an invalid order on the server (say crouching instead).

3) No gun spamming (This includes spamming g continuously as a CT in armory).

4) During last CT, if T's are physically isolated from CT and unable to reach last CT themselves, CT must remove the form of isolation separating themselves and T's (For example, T's are stuck in isolation, behind a glass partition, in cells.) If CT does not, he will be slain. (As I've heard from one mod, this does not require CT to give T's a headstart at all. Technically, CT could open a paritition and just start firing right away).

5) If a T will inevitably die from a game on a map, killing them as a CT is still a freekill (for example, killing a T while he is falling off of climb on canyondam or killing a T while he drowns in the fish game).

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they must get out of armory within 15 seconds. -MOTD


Can't seem to find the other ones, I know gunspam used to be it's own term but I can't seem to find it for some reason, as for the other ones I'm a little busy and can't re-read the entire thing right now. :P

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they must get out of armory within 15 seconds.



Last CT MUST kill all Ts
(This infers the isolation and favoritism is already mentioned in motd)


5: That's not a rule as far as I know... And if it is it really shouldn't be. I mean, if they are inevitably going to die, then killing them won't matter. They can't rebel at all and they're going to die, so I don't see why that would be a rule.


The rest have been added to the motd, thank you for the heads up!

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5: That's not a rule as far as I know... And if it is it really shouldn't be. I mean, if they are inevitably going to die, then killing them won't matter. They can't rebel at all and they're going to die, so I don't see why that would be a rule.


I've seen a moderator (whom I can't remember) explain that it was a freekill to kill a T falling off canyondam climb regardless if warden says "if they fall off climb they are a rebel".


I guess it would seem ok to do so in terms of most non escapable games though.

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Herpes got 1 & 4


2: It's not in the motd, technically, but crouch walking, is a form of delaying, & no detours no delays is implied, so the order would be invalid.


3: Any CT or T cannot gunspam.(Picking up and dropping guns very quickly in armory or any place with a mass of weapons.) -MOTD


5: Whoever said that was wrong. You are allowed to kill them if they're going to die anyways.


Taser: The taser is used to disarm a T without killing them, as a warning shot to tell the T they are breaking the rules or not following orders -MOTD


^For the taser, the T's AREN'T breaking rules & are following orders because they were told it's a warday, & a warday meens you must try & kill the T's. By tazing them, you aren't giving them chances to kill you.


The T's are NOT breaking the rules

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3: Any CT or T cannot gunspam.(Picking up and dropping guns very quickly in armory or any place with a mass of weapons.) -MOTD


It's only in there because I just added it, it wasn't in there before the start of this thread :P



2: It's not in the motd, technically, but crouch walking, is a form of delaying, & no detours no delays is implied, so the order would be invalid.


Also just added that one too

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It's only in there because I just added it, it wasn't in there before the start of this thread :P





Also just added that one too


Oh, lol. Thanks for telling me x_x

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