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Big Problemo

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alright guys,

so I wont be active on XenoGamers servers as of late.

I know I just received M, well PM, but I can't get on servers.



Q&A Time with Slipery

Q: Why not Slipery? :O

A: Because I cannot download any maps from XenoGamers servers.


Q: What does this have to do with inactivity

A: Because with out access to the download server for xG, I can't play on any of the maps which XenoGamers uses.


Q: Is there any way to Fix this?

A: Sadly no, not unless Silence decides to fix the Download server xG uses than I and many other JB new comers cannot play on xG servers


Q: There is no other way to fix this?

A: Unless someone can upload their maps folder from C:SS but most of these are 1GB large, and unless you can find a site where you can upload and download 1GB of files for free, im fucked.

Q: Why would you even delete your maps folder?

A: Because it was interfering with other game mechanics since I downloaded a map from some G(un)G(ame) server.



-I Hope too see you all soon-


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