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Posts posted by Rabid

  1. I stopped taking it seriously when you defended h1QXjv0.png this. I'm sorry but there is a reason he is not liked and its a damn good one, when you dig your grave you better try damn fucking hard like I did to undig it to be liked by many, Have not even seen a single attempt for him to make him self liked. I understand the point of your post but you really need to use better examples if you're going to use examples. I for one understand having levels to toxicity, and if people exceed it staff should not bat eyes to people they like.

  2. I want to talk about the state of 10manning and fat manning. 

    I want to first start by saying if you feel like this doesn't effect you its cause you're someone that fat mans someone out.

    Its been very apparent to me that people get fat manned way to much on the random pop up 10mans outside of sundays, as someone who fat mans someone out every now and then it sucks to see, but hey I want to play too right? wrong, I feel like we should change every 10man to a first come first serve basis with very very few exceptions.

    Two examples I can think of for fat manning people out-

    • Past history: Player A: and Player B: lets use Steven, and Jubens as an example. If you know these two people they're very hot headed and clash anytime they play each other or with each other, Steven has gone multiple rounds disconnected from the discord, or just leaves the game altogether. So with this rule you would be able to apply it with a "strict" criteria, you can't just say, oh I had a bad game and don't want said player.
    •  No mic, Refuses to communicate: The only player that really comes to mind is John Galt, But if you have past experiences with players who refuse to communicate or are just social disconnects you can express the right to fat man them out. (This applies to you depressed genocide) lil bitch. 



    • Verbal spots. If we do make all 10 mans first come first serve, will we be using verbal agreements to join.

    All in all, I for one am all for making all 10 mans First come first serve basis 
    @Bonk @Jadow @LeToucan @Lithium @Shox @Pepper @virr

  3. @Chrono Tier list is not in order by groups of skill level it was in no order when making it, I grabbed a player pool and took names while making it. On that note though I was debating you pretty heavy, I had you in b Tier before I threw you back into C, You have grown a lot as a player but I do not judge any skill rating based on 1v1's or similar fashion its nearly 90% of player interaction I've had.

  4. 5 hours ago, Bonk said:

    Still not at the level of maturity I think should be necessary. Yells a lot when upset and incessantly insults people he disagrees with/doesn't get along with. Haven't seen any signs of improvement for at least a month. -1

    unbiased staff member @Rabid

    Whys it say you @'d me

  5.                        NIPPER HOUSE 

    I think it's time @Rhododendron Release the server also do what you did a few years ago and add a rotating Christmas maps.

    For any new csgo members, Nipper house is an xG tradition it's a really fucking fun map that we have little contests and other shit on during the winter\ Christmas time. Can't wait to fucking play again.
    @LeToucan @Lithium @Jaydow Add nipperhouse to the 10man server too.