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Whats the final verdict?

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Back about a month ago when i played as warden, when i repeated an order where i said "when i say go, i want you to step out of your cells, face the back wall, and afk freeze for gun check" i was told that by repeating it, i said "go" by several admins on at the time. So, just last weekend I was playing and did my orders making sure to not say "go" when they asked for a repeat and instead spelling it out, was accused of tarping, and then the next map someone repeated the orders on request, and in his repeat he said the word "go" which was his magic word (sometimes i mix it up by using bacon as my magic word) and i stepped out following the orders, ended up getting 3 in the back of my head... when the next round came by i said why did you free kill me? when you repeated you said the word "go" so i was just following orders, and then several admins on at this time said that if its during a repeat it does NOT count... WHICH IS IT?!?! i personally believe if you say it in a repeat then it should be as if you said the word and they should be doing it, but i also think that in a repeat you should be required to spell your word out for those who were legitimately unable to hear it or were tabbed out waiting for the round to end... could Aegean or Serbian post their final verdict here please? (serbian cuz division leader)

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from now on, repeats for the "when i say go" orders dont count, so if someone asks for a repeat, the second time they say go, it doesnt count cause ppl will think u said go as an order, then they would leave the cell and get killed then say "he said go"


tl dr: repeats for "when i say go" orders dont count, so if warden repeats the order, it doesnt count when he says go

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:) thanks for clearing that up, I suggest you guys add that on at the end of the official JB rules under like a "when i say go" orders heading.

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Shouldnt it be if cells arent open yet, warden can say go as many times as he wants but once cells open and people ask for a repeat, warden usualy says the magic word/G-O/or something of the sort? This, personaly, should work perfectly but only a suggestion for the motd for now

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Mullin, that is personally what i do, i say things like "the magic word that is spelled G-O and rhymes with NO", but many a times recently i have been killed for stepping out and following orders when he says go in a repeat, this just clears it up for all T's and CT's that bother to read rules.

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I just tell them they must be out their cells by ____ (specific time), facing cells, AFK frozen for a gun check, etc, cause they get all confused and you get blamed for the "freekill".

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