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Definition of Detour/Delay

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Recently we've been having a Nazi wardening spree where Ts are being shot for detouring/delaying. However, they're being shot for the most minor possible definitions of such. For example, we were ordered to shift walk to cell stairs (VIP) on Castle. I was shift walking towards the stairs, was halfway there, and stopped for literally one second. Then I resumed walking to the stairs, and was shot for "delaying."


Others, and myself have been shot for "detouring" which was apparently defined as not taking a literal straight A to B line towards the destination. So if you took a curved path, or took an extra few steps to the right or left (clearly not rebelling or planning to go anywhere else,) it was considered detouring.


Can we get a concrete definition of what constitutes delay/detour? I find it kind of ridiculous that a T can be shot for pausing a mere second or two en-route to the destination.

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I toasted a bread about this a while back and the general consensus was that if you purposefully dragged things out and it was obvious it counted as delaying.


If a T hops around and crouches during a bumrush order it's pretty obvious what they are doing. If a T walks backwards making him go ever so slightly slower it isn't really a big deal but a CT could potentially shoot him within the poorly defined rules.

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Even for 1 second, it's delaying. Only exception for not moving continuously is typing, if you stopped and no chat pops up, even for 1 sec, that's delaying.

Also, no detouring means taking the fastest way, except for warden's specifications (shiftwalk, crouch.....this ties to no delaying also)


some rules are ridiculous, but without them, smart-asses will try to argue about everything and ruin the game.


-Still have questions? post a comment-


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