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Respect, something we need to show.

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So as of latley, most of you have probably heard of everything zapper has been doing, from greifing, to mic spamming, freekilling, to as of late the "covering Health100's hard work in lava" trick on the creative server. Shure he is a child, and he probably finds it hard to express his emotions as he starts to develope his sense of identity, and such. But one thing he has not been given from anyone (speaking for a majority) is respect. I don't think that people have even noticed the fact that i give him respect, but does that mean that i am friends with him? I will awnser this swiftly and with out studder, NO. But this dosen't mean that every time that we see "Zapper5555" on JB or on MC, that we have to kill him instantly for doing nothing. What we CAN DO, i just simply mute him on TS, or just completly ignore him on Cs:S or Minecraft, shure we can go over board a little if he does something that sets us off. But ultumatly everyone deserves some form of respect, but not every deserves sympathy.


-Thank You <3

Slipery Fingers

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i don't really care. he makes threads constantly. i really wish he'd go outside.

I do go out side, i am outside for atleat 4-5 hours a day, but i do wish that you would go out side, because every time i post a thread you instantly respond with in 5 minutes.

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Says the guy trolling other members on the forums.

Off my

I do go out side, i am outside for atleat 4-5 hours a day, but i do wish that you would go out side, because every time i post a thread you instantly respond with in 5 minutes.

Anytime i'm on during the day you have just made a thread.

sit down boy.

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it is 9 here..... idoit get an education and than have an "educated" converstion with.


use proper grammar then.

You weren't making a comparison IE I'd rather be white than black. You were stating a time in the future meaning you should of used then. and 'then' have an "educated conversation with" I won't even start with the stupidity of that sentence.

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If you had the intelligence to actually end that sentence off i would of been surprised, but for now i am done roasting weenies for the night, no more fueling the fire for now, good night, hope you learn something useful over the school term.

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I do not "Blatantly" insult him, i always give him a chance, he always crosses a line of sorts, i do lose my temper, than i will give him another chance. But what does he do? Crosses that line once again! You don't know the back story, so please before you post, know something before you talk about what YOU see. I see you constantly attacking on the fourms, and by that i mean insulting people, i have little to no respect for you, so if you do respond, don't look for a response.

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