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Whats going on with the servers?

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Found this on Google Translate

(using translate at school)


I was kicked for defending MLP, because they were using the stereotype of "BRONS R FGS, THEY SUK TEH DIKZ LELELELELELEL."


I said why it's wrong, and why there are worse things, but their thick skulls were a little too thick, and I was kicked. I returned later to see them being savage about Bronies, and promoting death about them. One person even spammed the line "I fap to live brony suicides."


Just that and various other savage things made me blacklist the server for good, and to never go back to any server made by "Xenogamer" ever again.


If I ever see this Im banning for a week for any offender. Not cool.

@kbraszzz @Bach


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update -

edit: context

I messaged him privately and gave him some support, seems like he'll hop back onto our servers again to see if things have changed. :)


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