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So yeah...

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This isnt really a goodbye :p Just wanted to let you guys know my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ father yelled at me and shtuff. I am only aloud on 3 hours a day now. Idk about weekends :p So likeeee....I ♥♥♥♥ing proved him wrong and got awesome grades this whole time. Then he does this? lol what a ♥♥♥. Ive accomplished good grades so far and ♥♥♥♥ and have spent a ton of time on computer still :p Sooooo dunno why my dad did this since obviously I can get good grades and spend mah timeeee on here. Anyways yeahh just wanted to let u all know! Oh and btw...I sometimes sneak on late at night so maybe every once in a while i will get on and mod ♥♥♥♥ XD

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hes prob trying to teach u discipline, my dad did something like that, he only let me on the comp for a certain amount of time, then i had to get off and go do something else. as much as i didnt like it, it made me a better person because of it, dont think ur dad's punishing u cause he feels like it, there is prob something behind why hes doing it but u arent yet able to realize it duckiijr

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