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Jailbreak /ct Ban For Dummies.

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Hey guys

I discovered Jailbreak on the JB1 server, the first time I played it, I was a prisionner, I got killed at least 4 times without understanding how things works, I glitched to CT, didn't understand what to do, as soon as people came near me I started shooting, and suddenly, it's chat/mic spaming; freehit, freekill, noob, slay yourself.

I felt guilty as hell, so I left the server and started reading on forums and watching videos on how to play jb, I went back to the server, checked the rules again, and since then, everything is fine.


Now I've been playing on jb1 for a while since I became an xG member, and I was thinking about a plugin or something to reenforce the rules and avoid mass freekilling, we all know that some visitors are new to the game mode and aren't aware of the rules, even if they've been warned, sometimes they just don't read the rules, and some others, are totally aware of the rules and know how to play the game, but somehow, they enjoy taking warden, give an order and then freekill everyone, I've witnessed some ***holes visiting the server just to annoy everyone and leave.


So since we don't always have a mod/admin on, I had this idea about creating a plugin that checks your rank, or the time spent in the server, and automatically ban you from CT if you have a total time played less than 30 minutes for exemple, this way, new visitors can only play in team T no matter who they are, if they are new to hte game mode they'll try to understand how it works, if they are some evil annoying players, they will get bored and leave .


This is my first thread btw, too long? :3


@Ohstopyou @StarmiX @Nomulous @BelloWaldi @Dethman @NitNat Opinions?

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Some CS:S members(including myself) have brought this up for css before. The only problem is that you need someone to code the whole thing(unless there is one out there already that can just be applied to the server).


Another idea that has been brought up is a survey that pops up when you try to join the CT(or blue, whatever you guys call it). Questions such as "What is a freeday" , "What do you do when..." etc. But again, that's only if one of the developers who handle this stuff want to do that.


It would be much easier for staff to just inform the player of the rules if it is obvious that they don't know what they're doing. Or if they break some more minor rules, teamban them for a short period of time(depends on what they did), and let them learn the rules.

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Find someone who can code this thing together, or toss out a link to an existing version of this, because as great as this idea seems; it just isn't something that will happen without the aforementioned conditions being met.


As previously mentioned by Shadowspy, the difficult part is finding someone who can piece this thing together without asking for anything in return. Hell, we couldn't even get hub up and running again on CS:S. #NeverForgetHub

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Easiest ways to deal with that problem is just have more mods/admins who are on at different times and play/actually answer the calladmin bot or being like matsi and recording everything and posting ban requests on rule breakers.

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But what if I get on an alt account but I know how to play, or if I play on a friends account because I'm at their house? You can't really check for that. Getting time played wouldn't be hard to log. This entire plugin wouldn't be as difficult as some other ones, just the issue is many false positives.

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I actually like this idea. @Nomulous 30 minutes of play is not a ton, and it isn't horribly difficult to get. I would also like a confirmation thing when you type /guard that says "Have you read the !motd?" because I've seen blues who claim that they didnt know !motd existed.

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@Duke as I noticed, most of the mods/admins are nearly in the same time zone, a code like this one, will save the effort of calling an admin while the rule breaker is probably already gone and wont come back, why do we need to record and report and wait, when we can prevent this from happening.


@Nomulous, It's not that hard to get 30 minutes on the alt account, it doesn't have to be 30, it was just an exemple


@ChickenPanda, Yus, great idea, I was also thinking about a message on screen during the "waiting time", Something like "Welcome to our Jailbreak server, we have different rules here, take a moment to check them by typing !rules/!motd in chat"


Anyways, if someone can put some effort building this, that would be really nice, this whole thing is not supposed to be a burden so let's stay optimistic on it, it will maintain the server clean and save us effort on long term.

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@The_Unlit_Torch I believe that the same plugin is still on, with 31 kills instead of 9, which is impossible to get xD

It was changed because people were getting permed left and right on lct

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Either what floppy said or make it so they can't join CT until they have 30 minutes to an hour played and have read the !motd, too many people come on jailbreak not knowing what they do and end up getting kicked from blue for glitching onto it, getting banned for mass freekill, you name it.

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And btw, there's something wrong with the queue, sometimes you are on the first position, and yet, next round you're still in T, I remember typing !guard 3 times, being in the first position and never been switched to CT, and something else, sometimes you're automatically switched to T, because "You were the last one to join CT" and that shouldn't happen too.

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