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You know, it isn't a matter of using something that can be used so much as it is a matter of Xeno Gamers' integrity. There are a lot of impressionable players out there, especially in a game that's free-to-play. It isn't about your own pride here that matters, it's about what's best for the clan in and of itself.

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... If it REALLY becomes an issue, the map can always be ported via Hammer and the message can be removed. It isn't that big of a deal...

Actually, you would need the map source files to do that since decompiling maps tends to get messy without them (eg. the entire map breaks itself) as well as the decompile process being incredibly complex. If it was that easy, fixing Casurina would be easy as well.


Also, this...

EDIT: Checked over the TOS in regards to map usage, and yes, we cannot edit the map's files and host it as our own. So that's off the table.


That all said, it would be easier to have a mapmaker remake the map from scratch...

Source: Hammer experience

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You know, it isn't a matter of using something that can be used so much as it is a matter of Xeno Gamers' integrity. There are a lot of impressionable players out there, especially in a game that's free-to-play. It isn't about your own pride here that matters, it's about what's best for the clan in and of itself.


I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, because you aren't. Upholding our clan's image is of the utmost importance. I simply disagree with you is all, and do so respectfully. I just don't honestly feel that the use of this map is any sort of detriment to the clan's image. I honestly feel like it isn't big enough of an issue to remove the map is all.



It does not bother me to have it :) If you feel it's worth keeping, then keep it.


Glorious leader has spoken. Considering Rhodo has no issues with the map being in TGH, thread will now be closed.


Thanks for all the input on the matter, but the map will remain in place.

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