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It's been fun but this is where i get off

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If you can't guess by the title i'm leaving (I don't know if it will be permanent or not)


Where i'm going: I'm going to join NG (Noob Galore).


Why?: don't get me wrong I love the xG community but NG seems to keep order better on their servers making it more fun.


Will I be back?: That is a question I don't have an answer to.


Will I still be on the xG servers?: without a doubt I will be on the xG servers...in the clan is a different story.


Will I miss the xG community?: I will miss all of you guys you're basically my second family.


Goodbye and best of luck to you guys





Edit:.....*facepalm* after looking at the servers more closely i am seeing that only one server is well monitored sorry well i guess i'm not leaving also the community seems to be worse than xG...

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lol you'll find some posts of mine floating around their forums, I tried them out shortly before coming here. And, uh. Well. Hope it's what you expect. Good luck.

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