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Autokicker Is Too Annoying

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Hello. Im SunriseM. TF2 Deathrun Player. I really like your server but there is only one thing that annoys me:

The Plugin/Mod that Kick me for "excessive ping". It is very annoying because many times the server kicks me when my ping is not as excessive (130), but let me play when it really is (600). I do not see any use in it and only takes away me wanting to play here.



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+1 I've actually been kicked a few times by the auto kicker when I would play during hours in which my internet isn't so good. It's pretty annoying when my ping would randomly shoot to 150 for 2 seconds and I get a warning from it and even eventually kicked for ping spikes. I've seen quite a few complain about it as well, so I think it'd be nice to either remove, or raise the amount of ping needed to warrant a warning

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