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Important Notice *Must read if you are staff*

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I'm just going to be honest and just put it out there, you mods and admins for the most part are fucking up big time. Yes there are many of you who know what you're doing, who deserve promos etc. The rest of you, are honestly just taking mod and admin for granted, and banning how you see fit. You guys piss someone off by either freeslaying, by saying orders wrong, or just being an ass, and then when they get mad or want to prove you wrong, you guys punish them.


Is this how you guys think our community is supposed to be? We are having a meeting tomorrow at 3pm EST and all Mods/admins better show up. I know some of you are on vaca, so you aren't getting demoted for not showing up but you better have a good reason.


Next time I have a problem with you guys, instead of just telling you what you did wrong "since obviously you guys keep repeating these mistakes" I will also ban you guys and remove mod powers either for a period of time or indefinitely. Shape up guys, you guys are


1. Bias towards friends

2. Think rules don't apply to you

3. Can't take disrespect but give plenty back for no reason


Here are some examples of the stupid shit that has happened recently.


1. 2 Ct's going week banned for killing losers in a game but because the game glitched they were supposed to restart the game. The Ct's, not knowing the game glitched, heard from fellow allies to just kill losers, so not the person who said kill them, but the people who did kill them got banned (for a week) even though it was others who tarped them. How is that fair?


2. T's are playing a game and ordered not to move, one T moves his boat, claims it was a glitch and the CT kills him since the warden specifically said no moving. How would the CT know it was a glitch? He got slayed and then banned for appealing to the slay while getting egged on as the mod was friends with the T who claimed he got glitched.


3. Admins, your racism rule still applies in admin chat, no idea where you got the idea that if you're stingy in game for a person saying nigger or nigga once, that you think you can spam admin chat with it or see your friends say it in admin chat and not do anything about it. If you personally are offended by someone saying it once in mic or in allchat, you can't say it in admin chat, that's being a hypocrite.


4. Threatening others with banning them perm or for a long period of time is NOT in your jurisdiction. You don't make the rules, I dunno where you guys got this idea that you're god (or silence) but you're not. Telling them you will ban them for such and such when they are appealing something is not the way to go. If they truly think you did something wrong "and by how things have been going, the staff have been fucking up" just slay yourself and shut them up. You cause so much more trouble yelling and threatening them.


TL;DR staff is fucking up bad, and I might demote about 10-20 mods/admins this month. Shape up.

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I completely agree with this, when I was first getting into xG JB I was CT banned for a week for something I did not do, and just because a moderator suspected it was me, he decided to CT ban me, AND he said I only did it once, which somehow constituted a CT ban. It was invalid and not following the admin handbook, which really angered me. I also hope things shape up for xG's moderators and admins as well. :/

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Shouldnt have to be.


Lol yes it should

If it's not in the handbook then every time a mod something that THEY believe is breaking rules they give out any punishment they feel like without any consequences in most cases.


I have a few admins/mods in my mind that I feel should be demoted who shall not be named, and I'd hate to see that happen. But if they refuse to shape up, then they deserved the demotion.

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Hey Aegean I agree with this and I'd love to come to the meeting but I'm going to be on vacation :/

If you want, we can talk in TS when I get back?

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good, there are sometimes i see admins on jb who fuck around a little, but i allways forget who they are later.

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