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vaati - Counter-Strike: Source

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xD I was warned and I still did it. It was totally worth it! I laughed for a solid 3 days. I mostly did it because I was 99.9% sure that race on blackout is not a totaly valid place for a warday.

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Now that I started playing Xg again I really dont want to go to another sub-par server. Could I just say "sorry for being a dick multiple times" and you guys could be like "Water under the bridge, #UNBANNED" and then I could be like "Wow friends never had those before" and then I could win the lottery and donate you guys like $10,000 and then you guys could be like Wow Vinyl Your da best and then i would be like thanks c:

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also unrelated; is there a way i can change my forum name?



Thread has been open long enough and the input given is that you shouldn't have been perm'd for mass teamkilling (a day or a week would have sufficed). You'll been #Unbanned, but I caution you not to do anything stupid like this again. If you end up getting CT banned again, this thread will be mentioned and I doubt you will be unbanned, should something like this happen again.


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods

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