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Moderator campaign for MajorB

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That's right I want to run a campaign to become a moderator with xG again. But instead of the normal way of getting a Div:L to notice me and wait for them to submit a posting here. I just want to see what some of you think about it, with opinions of what you like and also dislike about your boy MajorB. and maybe a few things you'd like to see me improve on in the future ( Don't say stop being a asshole, i can't help you there ).




I would keep my main focus as it has always been, watching our other moderators, making sure they do don't miss anything, and provide help to them if needed and occasional correction if a mistake is made.. The xG:M position would allow me to help during late nights when the server is active with fewer or no mods on the late shifts or early mornings. Also I would be able to train and teach rules to other members on our server.

Post your comments, and maybe give a +1 or -1 if you'd like to see a mod submission.



Vote MajorB cause i support legalizing marijuana.

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the key word and what u should work on is RELAX, dont start insulting or trash talking other players cause they broke the rules, if u do something happen, inform an admin/mod on the server in a CALM, COOL, and COLLECTED matter, that way they'll more likely listen to you than if u said "blarg opened vents, slay him", go for something like "blarg opened vents, watch him next round to see if he does it again", that way ull tell the admins/mods that blarg is breaking rules, and one would go into spectate to watch blarg next round

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