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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    I'll give you guys my reasoning for "invisible promotions". People don't need to apply to be a good candidate for being a staff member. You guys have to remember that higher-ups are the position that they are because we have a lot of trust in them. We believe in their judgement, and they have experienced through a ton of good and bad staff throughout their time in xG. They take time to discuss if a member who hasn't applied deserves to be staff, and they always reach a consensus before doing so. Of course, we have changed it so we ask the individual if they want staff or not before the promotion takes place. The higher-ups also talk to their fellow staff / friends to get more input, so it's not 1 person who single handedly promotes a member to staff. People can easily get demoted if they don't deserve staff. Please do not confuse member protests with admin abuse threads. Staff do get a few chances as human error is bound to happen, but people can make mistakes even if they had everyone +1 them. There are also multiple instances where admin abuse threads popped up on people that only had one side of the story, where the accusers were hiding the information to make the staff look bad. If someone is caught Slay All or other abusing instances, they can get demoted if it's a problem. People under 14 can still get staff. This is rare, but is always on a case-by-case basis. You can think of it in the real world as someone who gets a job offer without filling the requirements. That is also why (at least in CS:GO) we sometimes allow people to post a mod app without getting 50 posts on the forums. If we feel like we need more input on if someone should get staff, letting them apply doesn't hurt. These discussions never hurt, and I'm happy to improve a system if you guys feel it is broken. From the staff we have promoted that haven't applied themselves so far in recent memory, at least to the best of my knowledge, none of them have had a negative impact on our community. After a while, you get a good idea if someone would be a good staff member or not just from interacting with them. If anyone has anything that they feel contradicts any of my statements, I'm happy to read it so I'll keep this thread open.
  2. 3 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    It doesn't matter that much imo, staff submissions only serve as big bright lights saying "I want to be staff" to higherups.
  3. 3 points


    make him do an unban challenge
  4. 2 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    I kind of agree with tatost, but for the most part even if I don't think someone has what it takes for mod I don't post anything negative on their application unless I have a a particularly egregious example. I don't know if that's the case for anyone else, but that essentially means I just use standard staff protest procedure anyway. I do think people should be able to protest someone being staff ultimately, even if they don't have hard evidence of abuse or whatever. It allows people to get worries off their chests and forces potential staff to reconcile with past mistakes.
  5. 2 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    I think you make a great point. I won't name anyone, but there has definitely been a few staff members in the history here that have been extremely questionable and with community input it is very likely that they wouldn't have gotten staff in the first place. A requirement to make a staff submission would ensure that the community has an input as well and would very likely result in us having the best staff roster to date. However, there are specific rules towards applying for staff which would result in there being fewer people available for staff. Here is the link to the staff submission guide: For one, it states you must be 14 or over to apply. There has been a staff member or two who at least got staff whilst being under 14. One I can name is @Segal. If you had to apply for staff rather than getting "invisibly promoted", Segal would've not gotten staff. Secondly, (this only applies for TF2) you must have at least 50 forum posts. I'm sure there have been MULTIPLE staff members in the past that have had pretty much one forum post when they got it, that post being their member submission. If these restrictions were altered, I think it would be fantastic to have a community input onto who gets staff. However, I feel as though the Division Leaders and Managers should still get final say as to whether the member gets staff or not, rather than a +1 and -1 system like we have with the member submissions. Remember guys, whilst saying your thoughts may or may not affect the overall outcome, there is no harm in getting a community input and should only aide the higherups in making their decision.
  6. 2 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    I don't think it'd really would change anything since like the whole decision is entirely up to the higher ups anyway, so if people are given an invisible promotion that most likely means the highers ups have gotten to know them very well and have asked people around in community what their thoughts on the person ( which I have seen before) and trust the person so much so that they believe they should be made staff, so it wouldn't really change anything if they made a submission thread or not. So as long as the highers up look into the person carefully before doing an invisible promotion, then it should be fine to stay as is imo.
  7. 2 points

    Suggestions Thread

    essentially a casual boost day
  8. 2 points

    Suggestions Thread

    Lith why not make this a !days option then
  9. 1 point

    Remove Random Crits?

    I feel like random crits have no value in this game and should be removed from this server. Random crits from guns have already been removed, it is time for them to be removed from melee weapons as well.
  10. 1 point

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    Personally I'm in the boat that silent member to staff promotions are a bad thing. It opens the doors for favoritism and closes the door for people to say why said people shouldn't be staff. While I can understand the ease of process(as my first time getting staff was silent and when I came back from my break was also silent) It does prevent the discussion from being had of why someone is not optimal for their position. I'm all for reducing personal bias in the application process. It's too easy for someone to be chummy with higher ups and ask for staff i m o. I am also not looking to shit on current staff who have been silent promoted or the higherups who have employed it. I do think that having the opportunity to dispute the promotion with a -1 is a good thing. At the end of the day a -1 can be dismissed if the reasoning isn't clear or accurate but someone who already gets promoted is just going to stir more internal drama from the people who did want them in. All in all though higherups do have the final say. Overall I think that promotions should be handled clearly and well defined so people aren't suddenly surprised that someone else got staff just because they chill in a discord with a higherup. In my opinion the times that silent promotions end up being abused are few and far between. The potential for the worst is still present. ideally bad staff should eventually be siphoned out before they're a problem. However, there are times that moderators who have been silent promoted have gone untouched because either favoritism or not enough evidence of poor performance were provided. I say silent promotions shouldn't be a thing even in the case of returning staff. While it's easy to point out what staff were good previously and they SHOULD be good again it doesn't mean their circumstance hasn't changed. The time away from being staff does affect how the community perceives them. It should be a matter of consistency as essentially they're trying to be staff from member again. Case by case can be more extreme from silent leaving to toxicity or whatnot. Opening a window to air the shit so to speak is a good way to get certain distrusts out of the way. If there are no problems then it shouldn't affect the staff returning negatively. The most that'd be asked of them is just to sum up why they want to be staff again. I'm all for keeping things out from closed doors so to speak. Openness and clarity should be what the community deserves. I think the application process is a good way to provide that outlet. I'm not exactly the most passionate about the subject but I want to throw my two cents in since this ended up getting thrown on my "Hello again." thread in regards to me. That told me a couple things. 1 is that not everyone is happy about how I left and they want to make it clear and 2 It's easy to pass favoritism when you're on the receiving end. I don't care much to stir bad blood, however I don't think they should be denied voicing their complaints (as long as it's within the community guidelines.) Tl;dr That's a no from me.
  11. 1 point
    Why the dig at me, my post wasn't even political it was philosophical. Anyway from the looks of the poll, a politics channel isn't going to happen, but I think it'd be mildly amusing to have one. I don't even know if most of the people in this clan can legally vote. For the most part our rules on politics aren't even really very descriptive or enforced very well, we've had discussions about net neutrality which is certainly a very political subject, we have a reaction that is literally an image of the current US president, Donald J. Trump, and we throw the word 'libtard' around like no tomorrow. And the reason all this stuff "slips" by is because nobody cares, as much shit as the clan gets from itself for being a bunch of stupid kids, I think most of the people here can take a meaningless joke. A place dedicated to higher discussion isn't really a bad thing imo, it might even be beneficial.
  12. 1 point

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    Having people apply for staff is the better move here. Making people fill out an application gives everyone the better idea that someone wants to become staff. Everyone can share their input over the applicant and give a better idea to the higher-ups if the person is truly qualified (i.e. not toxic, active, etc.). Applications create more transparency in the community as well. Let's say that Tatost applies for staff (lol) and Bagel isn't too fond of the idea. Bagel has had issues with Tatost in the past or they just have beef with each other, we can deal with the issue right then are there basically. If we set it to only applications, obviously the requirements would change. Less forum posts needed. Also, why the hell do we let people under 14-years-old get the slide by for staff if they don't apply? If the application says that you need to be a certain age, why isn't it the same for invisible promotions?
  13. 1 point

    Suggestions Thread

    Collision day is a thing
  14. 1 point


  15. 1 point

    Suggestions Thread

    not gunna lie, there is a lot I like about casual boost, but after playing with it for a while, I think it's bringing more harm than good.
  16. 1 point


  17. 1 point

    Halloween Costumes?

    Since @Kypari and I are identical twins, it's pretty fun to go as each other since we dress so differently. Hoping to do it this year, too. Will post pics if so ?
  18. 1 point

    Add Politics Channel to Discord

    Keeping any "serious" discussion thread on-track in forums is already a stretch. I can't imagine how much worse it would be in a channel on Discord. I share the skepticism of everyone else who has posted saying as much here, it just isn't really worth it. Besides, I don't think our rules prevents anyone from discussing that stuff publicly in any given channel to begin with, though please correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. 1 point

    Add Politics Channel to Discord

    politics is just shitposting in disguise
  20. 1 point

    Suggestions Thread

    Just gonna add some bugs/broken things about Casual Boost Elevators/Trams are death traps. It can be avoided but still very frustrating especially when you have a lot of people on a small elevator. Certain surf's (Ones where you spawn slightly above the reset point) are broken all a t has to do is crouch and whenever somebody falls they are slammed down with acceleration on top of the t's head instead of the water. Highdive is broken. The first person to land will be drowned by the others (can be avoided but is pretty annoying). Skill jump is broken (only affects when you are jumping to a lower surface) It only allows the first couple of people to make it depending on the size of the landing spot. The rest will slide off. Climb is sorta broken. If they are taking the farthest by a time All the t in the lead has to do is just stand still on a Crouch jump or a ladder Dropdown things like moon jails drop from armory can kill cts by landing on their fellow guards head when coming down. You can no longer backstab (not really a bug but, Its something I think people miss) You can boost away on clouds (not really that important but you know) Ct's can now be body blocked on free days and will have no way to really get out (can be addressed in a rule change) I may be forgetting some things but these are a good bit of the bugs with the new Casual Boost system.
  21. 1 point


    -1 always goes for ninja defuses and Zeus kills. Never shoots his gun.
  22. 1 point


    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  23. 1 point

    Suggestions Thread

    Sorry if this would be difficult to change, but we REALLY need to have the afk manager only move people to spectate in the very beginning of the round. During talent days and other people are going, I try to use the time to set up my audio to record my guitar or keyboard, but then I get moved to spectate along with everyone attempting to google a joke.
  24. 0 points

    Halloween Costumes?

    Im on candy duty this year I can't be anything
  25. 0 points

    Remove Random Crits?

  26. 0 points

    On "Invisible Promotions"

    i don't really care much for this subject, those who deserve admin deserve it, those who don't, don't. no one cares about me?
  27. 0 points


    What does this mean? You also posted it on lolisme’s bsn protest, I’m frightened and it haunts my, what does it mean?
  28. 0 points


    Easiest -1 of my life (x2) First of all, you weren't hyperscrolling, you were using scripts. Hyperscroll doesn't work according to @Lithium. And now you're admitting to using scripts. Something we all already knew. Second of all, you were insanely toxic that my -1 on you remains my #1 strongest -1. Lastly, you didn't even play properly. You constantly loopholed and freekilled and complained to admins and even spammed me in steam messages with slurs and more vulgar and vile language. I don't believe you've become a better person in that short time and my opinions towards you remain the same.
  29. 0 points


  30. 0 points

    Add Politics Channel to Discord

    No go back to 4chan
  31. -1 points


    Member's Name Guest Information Tope thought I was "armory camping" slayed me and said good luck reporting me. He said I did not do it correctly and I was going to find other rebeler but saw different rebeller in armory so I was shoting him and then Tope slayed me, for armory camping and it was false.
  32. -1 points
    I like coding in blocks?
  33. -1 points

    Final goodbye

    Reminds me of someone
  34. -1 points

    Final goodbye

    Hate me all you want but this I swear is my last thread. I've tried to work on myself but it clearly isn't good enough for any of you. You say you welcome back with open arms but since I've come back all I've been meet with is toxicity and constant hate for what I did over a month ago. I worked on myself for this community, to the point of getting out of a relationship because I tought it was stressing me out, but you don't care about my efforts. All you did was shit on them. I have tried so hard to become a better person for all of you, toxic or not, but you didn't care. You have.me shit for what I did over a month ago. You don't have things stay in the past but you keep them here, which is why I think I'm hated. Seriously, I feel bad for anyone who got or gets into the position I'm in, trying to be better but not being allowed to, bringing out the worst in them like I did. @FrostyBoiGrim you were always great friend and always cared about me staying. Your a great person and no one cares to know you to see that. @-Diphikult you were the best friend I could ever ask for. You were always there when I needed you and we're a great person in general. You helped me through so much and I will always respect you for that. Goodbye everyone. and Chance , I called you something terrible for you doing your job and I'm truly sorry for that. I truly like.few.people in this community and am.never coming back. I'm logging out of this account and never coming back, I'm going venturing for another community. Goodbye. I'm might respond to comments but probably not, because I know most of them will be giving me shit and telling me I'll come crawling back. Dannypicacho, I might have been toxic towards you but I never really hated you.
  35. -1 points

    Add Politics Channel to Discord

    Yeah no this is just going to be #shitposting all over again. You guys do realize that if you want to do things you aren't allowed to do in xG, you can always like, you know, make your own Discord, right? -1
  36. -1 points

    Add Politics Channel to Discord

    I really do not think that having a political channel would have the results that would be desired. There's a reason why we normally don't allow major talk about politics, it's very prone to breaking out into argument due to how different the view points other people can have are. I agree with Chrono that it is possible for politics to be talked about maturely but that is something I fairly rarely ever see.
  37. -1 points

    Halloween Costumes?

    I'll just be playing video games inside on Halloween.
  38. -1 points

    General Update Thread

    General MGE Server created in place of the old Highlander Server! IP to connect: Calladmin has been fixed and completely replaced. Being in the xG discord is now required to be staff in order to get calladmins! Reworded a couple things within the /rules menu The most notable being that we added a section that specifically states this is not a full list of rules, type !motd to read the full list. All chat now shows the staff member's name who issued the command, instead of [ADMIN]. Removed Frozen from the list of possible RTDs. Disabled the /me command due to chat issues. Surf When you !cpsave, your saved location will now persist through switching teams. Jailbreak Recently played list now affects less maps, so more maps can be nominated more often. For example: If we went from Minecraft to Mlcastle, Minecraft would be disabled. However, if we went from Mlcastle to Chretien, then Minecraft would be back on the list to be nominated, and Mlcastle would be disabled. Stock Rotation The /gimme command has been removed in order to stay true to the core gameplay of the server. Coming Soon! New Jump server! Updates to the Jailbreak Server MOTD in order to reduce the length of it
  39. -2 points

    Halloween Costumes?

    Throw some invisibility potion on me from Minecraft and walk around the neighborhood naked. They won't see it coming.
  40. -2 points


    Division Counter-Strike In-Game Name lolisme Identity STEAM_0:1:442480882 Ban Type Server Ban Information Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:442480882 Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: lolisme (might've been lemon when i got banned) Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a): scripting. Why should you be unbanned?: So i was a toxic little kid, this was back in June i believe, i was just a toxic kid who scripting but used hyper-scrolling as a blanket to hide under, after months i figured i was just being a dumb-ass who no one payed attention to and was a nuisance. I enjoyed playing [xG] jailbreak, it was honestly fun. the community and the days and the craziness in one day was just fun, i should've ruined that opportunity by scripting and i really am sorry. I am a reformed person and i do not script, it was an AHK script but its gone now (new pc btw) and I hope you guys can understand where im coming from. Thank you for reading this
  41. -3 points


    This kid looks so toxic and he even said he still finds this shit funny so what would stop him from having "F U N" again
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