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enable more guns on scrim server

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3 hours ago, MinerTeddy said:

imagine dying to people who have to rev up 12 bullets or to people with their positions given away by constant gunfire or to silvers who meme

Come 10 man if negev's are unbanned. You will see what I mean.

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I suppose I don't play in 10mans enough anymore to vouch but the ones that I do already not fun half of the time.

+1 zeus, if you die to it then you deserve to

-1 negev, people only use it to meme or bm 90% of the time and it's not fun to fight against or play with 

-1 for autos for same reasoning

@Rabid @MinerTeddy keep in mind that most of the people that play in 10mans are not usually anywhere near MG ranks. not all of us are good at the game and people that know how to abuse negevs and autos are not fun to play against at all

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6 hours ago, Genocide said:

People will use and abuse the negev and it's spray + corners

abusing a gun that's already a part of the game, might as well ban nutty from using a sawed-off..same concept.
Also this doesnt really apply to you since you get carried every game.


Steam Community: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. yikes

yikes this is from a year ago and YOU STILL BE GETTING LESS THAN 10 kills 

Edited by lilbleed (see edit history)

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+1 Zeus. if you die to it you deserve it.


-1 auto, -1 negev. while I agree that 10 mans have gotten significantly lower quality as the norm, I don't think that we should just unban every gun and take away from the actual competitive aspect of the game both of those are literally meme weapons even in regular csgo mm. we still try to balance the teams relatively around skill, and there are at least 2 or more good players in each 10 man that if the less skilled players asked they would be more than happy to help coach them from their teams.

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7 hours ago, lilbleed said:

abusing a gun that's already a part of the game, might as well ban nutty from using a sawed-off..same concept.
Also this doesnt really apply to you since you get carried every game.


Steam Community: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. yikes

yikes this is from a year ago and YOU STILL BE GETTING LESS THAN 10 kills 


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8 hours ago, Chrono said:

+1 Zeus. if you die to it you deserve it.


-1 auto, -1 negev. while I agree that 10 mans have gotten significantly lower quality as the norm, I don't think that we should just unban every gun and take away from the actual competitive aspect of the game both of those are literally meme weapons even in regular csgo mm. we still try to balance the teams relatively around skill, and there are at least 2 or more good players in each 10 man that if the less skilled players asked they would be more than happy to help coach them from their teams.

ESEA, CEVO, FACEIT, or any 3rd party competitive client all do not have these guns unbanned. If you're looking at it from a competitive aspect, there is none in xenogamers considering half the time we're pulling up strat roulette. 
*Checks every other server* *no guns disabled*
*checks xg scrim server* *endgame spoiler* 

Edited by lilbleed (see edit history)

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4 hours ago, lilbleed said:

ESEA, CEVO, FACEIT, or any 3rd party competitive client all do not have these guns unbanned. If you're looking at it from a competitive aspect, there is none in xenogamers considering half the time we're pulling up strat roulette. 
*Checks every other server* *no guns disabled*
*checks xg scrim server* *endgame spoiler* 

Then again, we aren't ESEA, CEVO, Or  FACEIT. We don't host tournaments, we don't have hundreds upon thousands queuing for 10 mans, we don't have money to give to the winning team. WE DONT EVEN HAVE A RANK SYSTEM. We are xG, not every other server.  Just because they have it doesn't mean we should.

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Regarding Negevs:

Unbanning them won't kill the scrim playerbase. In the event there is a magical amount of fun-killing abuse, then people will just agree to stop using Negevs or soft ban it in agreement beforehand; scrims won't suddenly die because people are incapable of agreement. To "abuse" a Negev, you literally have to echolocate yourself for about 15 bullets and stay vulnerable in a slow, crawling approach to retain its laser accuracy. If players are inept enough to not be able to fire at an essentially still target, they should honestly improve. Negevs are easily countered by waiting out bullets (through smokes/wallbangs/aggressive prefiring) and by not standing as still as possible into bullets which you should be easily aware of if you possess two eyes and ears (sorry @Rabid). In terms of the newer/worse players, they would have likely died either way, and isn't it already not fun to be completely trashed by the better players? There isn't really a noticeable difference in enjoyment until you're able to actually kill anyone, and dying to a Negev, getting one-tapped by an AK, or dying to an AWP aren't very different in that regard. There are far more annoying guns and situations to die to/in, and if anyone were to be genuinely angered by a Negev they shouldn't be playing a videogame which you die to death in. If we wanted to unban them with restrictions, there was literally a gamemode which limited the amount of times a gun could be purchased, and if that's unable to be smoothly implemented there are plugin options.

Regarding Zeese:

No money gained for a kill and you deserved to die scrublord, just hug corners less :^)

Regarding Autos:

Is really only strong in one-by-one peeks or weak rushes with low player awareness. The AWP easily outperforms it offensively and defensively, and a worse player who uses an auto would likely end up in a still, vulnerable position. Either way, you're going to die to a scope, run back, or kill them. It's not much different in the role of an AWP except that it allows people more forgiveness for a miss.

Again, +1 to all. Don't BabyRage because you die in a video game :^)

Edited by MinerTeddy
lol (see edit history)

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Also getting shit on faster means you can get out of a trash game quicker. 

Also also, a lead dominating enough could mean you just meme up the rest to end it and goof around with your team or watch them fuck up at stratroulette.

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+1 for unbanning everything

Negev is pretty easy to counter if you have basic map awareness and can see where the tracers (that are shown on literally every single bullet) are coming from. Even a silver like me can get a tap in on them occasionally on most maps or at very least rotate/use utility nades. It might be memed for a few games after it gets unbanned for novelty sake, but I'd wager nobody uses it much once unban hype goes away.
m249 is I think the bigger bm gun since the cost is way higher and the spray pattern makes it a pain to reliably use for us mere mortals. Even then it is about as effective as an m4 save for if you want to sit in one spot and mag dump at something. At any rate same as the negev you will really only see it as a meme buy past the initial hype around unban fades I think.

The zeus... If you die to this you probably had it coming anyways. Plus I personally find it really funny when it does happen to work out... 🙂

^These guns are also fun for strat roulette too^

As for the auto sniper, it costs more than the awp and puts the extra money towards being a bit more user-friendly instead of raw damage, it still is pretty vulnerable to getting smoked and flashed as well as a close range attack like any other sniper rifle. It might be more forgiving to the user, but it also is more forgiving to smart enemies as it gives them more chance to react (compared to the awp) due to the lack of the same level of instant lethality. I know it is a salt machine but it can still be countered and killed, and much like the awp you still run the risk of dropping it for the other team. It is the second highest price in the game currently, and it isn't like you can spam buy these unless you were stacked with money (and probably winning) in the first place.
End of the day though you pay a premium to get a better gun which I am pretty sure is a big part of the reason we have an economy part of the game to worry about.


I might be a lowly tf2 player, but in my opinion if you are going to keep these weapons banned, we should also ban shit like the pp-bizon because it also is a bad meme gun. Most of these weapons are situational at best and downright bad at pretty much any other time (save the auto).

On 4/28/2019 at 11:17 PM, lilbleed said:

abusing a gun that's already a part of the game, might as well ban nutty from using a sawed-off..same concept.

Except the sawed off is harder to abuse since it is still basically a slower and less reliable zeus that gives a lot of money and can be shot more than 1 time.
Wait, the zeus is banned...
Wait, guys we gotta ban the sawed off now!

Edited by mrnutty12 (see edit history)

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