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If I Were Dead Thread

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So what if I died?


What would YOU do? What would you ASK? What would you want? And anything else!


I would appreciate serious statements, but I really wouldn't mind if you post something that you really wouldn't do. It's hypothetical after all :P

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I would wonder why you posted this before *name removed for nontrolling reasons* did, and why you tried to jump out a 2 story window instead of buying a gun like the rest of us americans :(


Lol I'm kidding obviously.


Speaking of offing yourself, I saw this REALLY interesting thread on 4chan on how to off yourself with a suspended rock and some rope. Interesting stuff considering the amt. of effort someone went through to forumulate that instead of just shooting himself or OD'ing on alcohol and nyquil.


Whoops pardon the short attention span.


But if these is one of those cries for help or anything, chat with me on steam.


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if u were dead, id call warden dead freeday if no one called it after 15 seconds and then proceed to kill as many cts as i can, then ud respawn next round and everything would be k


srsly though, not rly sure how id feel about it. bad at first, but ill eventually learn to move on, its happened to someone closer to me than you twice so far

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